binary definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



binary (plural binaries)

  1. (mathematics, computing, uncountable) The bijective base-2 numeral system, which uses only the digits 0 and 1.
  2. (computing) An executable computer file.
  3. (astronomy) A star system consisting of only two stars.

binary (not comparable)

  1. Being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off, true or false, presence or absence of a signal.
    Binary states are often abstracted as 1 and 0 in computer science.
  2. (logic) Concerning logic whose subject matter concerns binary states.
  3. (arithmetic, computing) Concerning numbers and calculations using the binary number system.
  4. Having two equally important parts; related to something with two parts.
    Two ingredients are combined in a binary poison.
    A binary statistical distribution has only two categories.
  5. (mathematics, programming, computer engineering) Of an operation, function, procedure, or logic gate, taking exactly one operand, argument, parameter, or input; having domain of dimension 2.
    Division of reals is a binary operation.
  6. (computing) Of data, consisting of arbitrary values; that is, not interpretable as plain or ASCII text.
    He downloaded the binary distribution for Linux, then burned it to DVD.

Definizione dizionario binary

  logic states
  using binary number system
  Having two components, alternatives, or outcomes. The binary number system has 2 as its base, so values are expressed as combinations of two digits, 0 and 1. These two digits can represent the logical values true and false as well as numerals, and they can be represented in an electronic device by the two states on and off, recognized as two voltage levels. Therefore, the binary number system is at the heart of digital computing.
  logic states
  using binary number system

Altri significati:
  Being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off, true or false, presence or absence of a signal.
  (astronomy) A star system consisting of only two stars.
  having two parts
  (logic) Concerning logic whose subject matter concerns binary states.
  (mathematics, computing, uncountable) The bijective base-2 numeral system, which uses only the digits and 1.
  (mathematics, programming, computer engineering) Of an operation, function, procedure, or logic gate, taking exactly one operand, argument, parameter, or input; having domain of dimension 2.
  on or off
  (computing) Of data, consisting of arbitrary values; that is, not interpretable as plain or ASCII text.
  number system
  binary (system)
  equal importance
  (arithmetic, computing) Concerning numbers and calculations using the binary number system.
  (computing) An executable computer file.
  Having two equally important parts; related to something with two parts.

Traduzione binary

binario ,binaria

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