bottler definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



bottler (plural bottlers)

  1. A person, company, or thing who bottles, especially in bulk.
    • 1899, John Calder, The Prevention of Factory Accidents, page 307,
      They shall provide all bottlers with face guards, […] .
    • 1994 May 30, Shawn Willett, PC tools help Coke add life to flat AS/400 data, InfoWorld, page 63,
      Such data is of great value both to the bottlers and to Coca-Cola?s sales and marketing groups.
      “When the bottler looks at this information, he might be interested in how a certain supermarket is performing, while we in the company are interested in how much, for example, McDonalds is buying in the Southeast,” Aviles notes.
    • 2010, James M. Wahlen, Clyde P. Stickney, Paul Brown, Stephen P. Baginski, Mark Bradshaw, Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective, 7th edition, page 278,
      Note 8, “Noncontrolled Bottling Affiliates” (Appendix A), indicates that PepsiCo owns approximately 40 percent of the common stock of some of its bottlers.
  2. A Truck used for transporting bottled goods in crates.
  3. (UK, sports, slang) A person who or group that fails to meet expectations, especially one prone to such failure.

Definizione dizionario bottler

Altri significati:
  Trucks that specialize in transporting bottled goods in crates.
  A person, company, or thing who bottles, especially in bulk.
  (Australian, slang) a person or thing that is excellent or excites admiration.
  (UK, slang) A person or group, especially a sports team, that doesn't meet expectations, particularly prone to failure when success is expected.

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