bushel definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



bushel (plural bushels)

  1. A dry measure, containing four pecks, eight gallons (36.4 L), or thirty-two quarts.
    The Winchester bushel, formerly used in England, contained 2150.42 cubic inches, being the volume of a cylinder 181/2 inches in internal diameter and eight inches in depth. The standard bushel measures, prepared by the United States Government and distributed to the States, hold each 77.6274 pounds of distilled water, at 39.8° Fahr. and 30 inches atmospheric pressure, being the equivalent of the Winchester bushel. The imperial bushel now in use in England is larger than the Winchester bushel, containing 2218.2 cubic inches, or 80 pounds of water at 62° Fahr.
    • 1882, James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Volume 4, p. 207:
      The quarter, bushel, and peck are nearly universal measures of corn.
  2. A vessel of the capacity of a bushel, used in measuring; a bushel measure.
    • 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Mark IV:
      And he sayde unto them: is the candle lighted, to be put under a busshell, or under the borde: ys it not therfore lighted that it shulde be put on a candelsticke?
  3. A quantity that fills a bushel measure; as, a heap containing ten bushels of apples.
    In the United States a large number of articles, bought and sold by the bushel, are measured by weighing, the number of pounds that make a bushel being determined by State law or by local custom. For some articles, as apples, potatoes, etc., heaped measure is required in measuring a bushel.
  4. (colloquial) A large indefinite quantity.
  5. The iron lining in the nave of a wheel. [Eng.] In the United States it is called a box.

Definizione dizionario bushel


Altri significati:
  A dry measure, containing four pecks, eight gallons (36.4 L), or thirty-two quarts.
  The iron lining in the nave of a wheel. [Eng.] In the United States it is called a box.
  (colloquial) A large indefinite quantity.
  A vessel of the capacity of a bushel, used in measuring; a bushel measure.
  A quantity that fills a bushel measure; as, a heap containing ten bushels of apples.
  vessel of capacity of a bushel
  dry measure

Traduzione bushel

bushel ,staio

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