Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di convention . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



convention (plural conventions)

  1. A meeting or gathering.
    The convention was held in Geneva.
  2. A formal deliberative assembly of mandated delegates
    The EU installed an inter-institutional Convention to draft a European constitution
  3. The convening of a formal meeting
  4. A formal agreement, contract or pact
  5. (international law) A treaty or supplement to such.
    The Vienna convention at the Vienna Congress (1814-15) standardized most of diplomatic conduct for generations
  6. A generally accepted principle, method or behaviour.
    Table seatings are generally determined by tacit convention, not binding formal protocol
    The convention of driving on the right is reinforced by law.

Definizione dizionario convention

  International agreement on a specific topic.
  A large formal assembly.
  A rule that describes how to model a class with the Entity Framework.

Altri significati:
  (international law) A treaty or supplement to such.
  A formal deliberative assembly of mandated delegates
  meeting or a gathering
  generally accepted principle, method or behaviour
  agreement, contract or pact
  A generally accepted principle, method or behaviour.
  A meeting or gathering.
  The convening of a formal meeting
  The preferred method of accomplishing a task.
  A formal agreement, contract or pact

Traduzione convention

convenzione ,congresso ,accordo ,assemblea ,consiglio

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