decider definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di decider . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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  1. to decide

decider (plural deciders)

  1. (of a controversy, question, etc) A person, divinity, or authoritative text which decides.
    • 1667, anon., ""George Fox diggd out of his burrowes, or An offer of disputation on fourteen proposalls..."". John Foster, Boston, pp. 89-90:
      This written and revealed will of God I said was the Judge and Decider of all Questions.
    • 1758, Aaron Leaming and Jacob Spicer, The grants, concessions, and original constitutions of the province of New-Jersey, Philadelphia, p. 680:
      The Determination of his Majesty, who is the only proper decider of this Matter.""
    • 1885, Friedrich Delitzsch, ""General Notes: The Religion of the Kassites,"" Hebraica, vol 1 no 3 (Jan), p. 190:
      The god Adar, which, with its two oft-occurring idiographs Bar and Nin-ib, is preferably designated as the ""Decider"" (Entschneider).
    • 1967, David P. Gauthier, ""How Decisions are Caused,"" The Journal of Philosophy, vol 64 no 5, 15 Mar, p. 151:
      Although the decider may know any of the principles in the sequence, he cannot know every such principle.
    • 2006 April 18, George W. Bush, White House press conference, Washington, DC:
      Im the decider, and I decide what is best.
  2. (chiefly UK, sports) An event or action which decides the outcome of a contested matter.
    • 2007 Feb 22 (action), Liverpool show of unity recalls old magic Guardian Sport:
      . . . when the Welshman laid on the 74th-minute decider.
    • 2007 Feb. 10 (event), France aim to end four years of regret with seven-week sacrifice, Guardian Sport:
      France will meet Ireland again in the probable decider for their World Cup pool.
  3. (computing) A Turing machine that halts regardless of its input.

Definizione dizionario decider

Altri significati:
  (computing) A Turing machine that halts regardless of its input.
  (chiefly British, sports) An event or action which decides the outcome of a contested matter.
  (of a controversy, question, etc) A person, divinity, or authoritative text which decides.

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