fracas definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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fracas (plural fracases or fracas)

  1. A noisy disorderly quarrel, fight, brawl, disturbance or scrap.
    • 1989, Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day, Faber 1999, paperback edition, p. 16,
      And I recall also some years ago, Mr Rayne, who travelled to America as valet to Sir Reginals Mauvis, remarking that a taxi driver in New York regularly addressed his fare in a manner which if repeated in London would end in some sort of fracas, if not in the fellow being frogmarched to the nearest police station.
    • 1964, Philip K. Dick, The Simulacra, Vintage Books 2002, paperback edition, p. 37,
      The Oregon-Northern California region had lost much of its population during the fracas of 1980; it had been heavily hit by Red Chinese guided missiles, and of course the clouds of fallout had blanketed it in the subsequent decade.

Definizione dizionario fracas

Traduzione fracas

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