fringe definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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  • shape
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Definizione monolingua



fringe (third-person singular simple present fringes, present participle fringing, simple past and past participle fringed)

  1. (transitive) To decorate with fringe.
  2. (transitive) To serve as a fringe.
    • 1922, Virginia Woolf, Jacobs Room Chapter 2
      Purple bonnets fringed soft, pink, querulous faces on pillows in bath chairs.

fringe (plural fringes)

  1. A decorative border.
    the fringe of a picture
  2. A marginal or peripheral part.
    • 2011 September 29, Jon Smith, “Tottenham 3 - 1 Shamrock Rovers”, BBC Sport:
      Dos Santos, who has often been on the fringes at Spurs since moving from Barcelona, whipped in a fantastic cross that Pavlyuchenko emphatically headed home for his first goal of the season.
  3. Those members of a political party, or any social group, holding unorthodox views.
  4. The periphery of a town or city.
    He lives in the fringe of London.
  5. (UK, New Zealand, Australian) That part of the hair that hangs down over the eyes (US bangs).
    Her fringe is so long it covers her eyes.
  6. (physics) A light or dark band formed by the diffraction of light.
    Interference fringe.
  7. (The Fringe) non-mainstream theatre.

fringe (not comparable)

  1. Outside the mainstream

Definizione dizionario fringe

Traduzione fringe

frangia ,periferia ,frangetta ,bordo ,confine

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