Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di identification . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



identification (countable and uncountable; plural identifications)

  1. The act of identifying, or proving to be the same.
    Much education and experience is required for proper identification of bird species
  2. The state of being identified.
  3. A particular instance of identifying something.
    information necessary to make a good identification
  4. A document or documents serving as evidence of a persons identity.
    The authorities asked for his identification
  5. A feeling of support, sympathy, understanding or belonging towards somebody or something.
    • 1998, Hugh Berrington, Britain in the nineties[1], page 192:
      In the English South and Midlands, identification with Britain ran well ahead of identification with the region; in Yorkshire and the northern England, identification with the region ran about equal to identification with Britain; and in Scotland and Wales (but more especially in Scotland) identification with the region (Scotland or Wales) ran well ahead of identification with Britain.

Definizione dizionario identification

  A document or documents serving as evidence of a person's identity.
  The process of mapping an object onto the supported identification schemas or getting the unique user identifier (UID). The operating system, IIS, or Commerce Server usually provides this identification.
  Il distinguere e il riconoscere qualcosa o qualcuno sulla base di caratteri distintivi.
documento d'identità

Altri significati:
  a document or documents serving as evidence of a person's identity
  The state of being identified.
  a particular instance of identifying something
  (feeling of) identification
  the act of identifying, or proving to be the same
  A particular instance of identifying something.
  the state of being identified
  feeling of support, sympathy, understanding or belonging
  The act of identifying, or proving to be the same.
  (a feeling of) identification (with)
  A feeling of support, sympathy, understanding or belonging towards somebody or something.

Traduzione identification

identificazione ,individuazione ,documento d'identità ,riconoscimento

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