Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di incumbent . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua




  1. third-person plural future active indicative of incumb?

incumbent (plural incumbents)

  1. The current holder of an office, such as ecclesiastical benefice or a an elected office.
  2. (business) A holder of a position as supplier to a market or market segment that allows the holder to earn above-normal profits.

incumbent (comparative more incumbent, superlative most incumbent)

  1. imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to ones office
    Proper behavior is incumbent on all holders of positions of trust.
  2. (geology) resting on something else
  3. being the current holder of an office
    If the incumbent senator dies, he is replaced by a person appointed by the governor.

Definizione dizionario incumbent

in carica
  current holder of an office
  being the current holder of an office
  current holder of an office
  being the current holder of an office
  imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office
  The official who holds an office.
  imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office

Altri significati:
  (business) A holder of a position as supplier to a market or market segment that allows the holder to earn above-normal profits.
  (an) incumbent
  The current holder of an office, such as ecclesiastical benefice or a an elected office.
  (geology) resting on something else

Traduzione incumbent

in carica ,titolare ,incombente ,incumbent ,obbligatorio

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