kiss definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



kiss (third-person singular simple present kisses, present participle kissing, simple past and past participle kissed)

  1. (transitive) To touch with the lips or press the lips against, usually to express love or affection or passion, or as part of a greeting, or as part of sexual activity.
  2. (transitive) To touch lightly or slightly.
    His ball kissed the black into the corner pocket.
    The nearside of the car just kissed a parked truck as he took the corner at high speed.
  3. (intransitive) Of two or more people, to touch each others lips together, usually to express love or affection or passion.
  4. (transitive) To mark a cross (X) after your name on a card, etc.

kiss (plural kisses)

  1. A touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting.
  2. A type of filled chocolate candy, shaped as if someone had kissed the top. See Hersheys Kisses.

Definizione dizionario kiss

  touch with the lips
  Tocco di labbra in segno d'amore o d'affetto.
  A touch with the lips as a sign of love or affection.
  to touch with the lips
  Toccare con le labbra per esprimere amore ed affetto.
  To touch with the lips to express love or affection.
  to touch each other’s lips
  Tocco di labbra in segno d'amore o d'affetto.
  A touch with the lips as a sign of love or affection.

Altri significati:
  (transitive) To touch with the lips or press the lips against, usually to express love or affection or passion, or as part of a greeting, or as part of sexual activity.
  (transitive) To touch lightly or slightly.
  (to) kiss
  candy or sweet
  A type of filled chocolate candy, shaped as if someone had kissed the top. See Hershey's Kisses.
  to touch lightly
  (intransitive) Of two or more people, to touch each other's lips together, usually to express love or affection or passion.
  A touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting.
  (transitive) To mark a cross (X) after your name on a card, etc.

Traduzione kiss

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