loaf definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



loaf (third-person singular simple present loafs, present participle loafing, simple past and past participle loafed)

  1. (intransitive) To do nothing, to be idle.
    loaf about, loaf around.
  2. (Cockney rhyming slang) To headbutt, (from loaf of bread)

loaf (plural loaves)

  1. (also loaf of bread) A block of bread after baking.
  2. Any solid block of food, such as meat.
  3. (Cockney rhyming slang) Shortened from ""loaf of bread"", the brain or the head (mainly in the phrase use ones loaf).
    • 1960, P. G. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing, chapter VIII and XII:
      It is frequently said of Bertram Wooster that he is a man who can think on his feet, and if the necessity arises he can also use his loaf when on all fours. [...] “Why didnt the idiot tell her not to open it?” “It was his first move. ‘Ive found a letter from you here, precious,’ she said. ‘On no account open it, angel,’ he said. So of course she opened it.” She pursed the lips, nodded the loaf, and ate a moody piece of crumpet. “So thats why hes been going about looking like a dead fish.”
  4. A solid block of soap, from which standard bars are cut.

Definizione dizionario loaf

  block of bread
  do nothing
  head ( '''slang''' )
pan carrè
  block of bread
pane in cassetta
  block of bread
  large block of soap

Altri significati:
  loaf (particularly on the job)
  (also loaf of bread) A block of bread after baking.
  (Cockney rhyming slang) To headbutt, (from loaf of bread)
  (Cockney rhyming slang) Shortened from "loaf of bread
  loaf (of bread)
  A solid block of soap, from which standard bars are cut.
  Any solid block of food, such as meat.
  (intransitive) To do nothing, to be idle.

Traduzione loaf

pagnotta ,oziare ,pane ,capoccia ,pan carrè

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