maze definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



maze (third-person singular simple present mazes, present participle mazing, simple past and past participle mazed)

  1. to amaze, astonish, bewilder
  2. to daze, stupefy, or confuse someone

maze (plural mazes)

  1. A labyrinth; a puzzle consisting of a complicated network of paths or passages, the aim of which is to find ones way.
  2. Any confusing multi-part system.
    • 2009? ?May 11, “Nations largest desal project faces financing hurdles”, New York Times:
      The project developer, Poseidon Resources Corp., has been winding its way through a maze of state and local agencies for six years
  3. Confusion of thought; perplexity; uncertainty; state of bewilderment.
    • 1580, John Lyly, “Euphues and His England”, in The Complete Works of John Lyly, published 1906, page 36:
      But first they came to Canterbury, an olde Citie, somewhat decayed, yet beautiful to behold, most famous for a Cathedrall Church, the very Maiestie whereoff, stroke them into a maze, where they saw many monuments, and heard tell of greater, then either they euer saw, or easely would beleeue.

Definizione dizionario maze

  Puzzle to get through
  A confusing and baffling network, as of paths or passages.

Altri significati:
  Confusion of thought; perplexity; uncertainty; state of bewilderment.
  to amaze, astonish, bewilder
  to daze, stupefy, or confuse someone
  (obsolete) A wild fancy; a confused notion.
  Any confusing multi-part system.
  A labyrinth; a puzzle consisting of a complicated network of paths or passages, the aim of which is to find one's way.

Traduzione maze

labirinto ,confondere ,dedalo ,disorientare

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