Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di mousetrap . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



mousetrap (third-person singular simple present mousetraps, present participle mousetrapping, simple past and past participle mousetrapped)

  1. (figuratively) To trap; to trick or fool (someone) into a bad situation.
    • 1988, James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, Oxford 2004, p. 724:
      He hoped to bring the rebels out of their trenches for a showdown battle somewhere south of the Wilderness, that gloomy expanse of scrub oaks and pines where Lee had mousetrapped Joe Hooker exactly a year earlier.

mousetrap (plural mousetraps)

  1. Device for capturing or killing mice and other rodents.
  2. (computing) A website designed to open another copy of itself when the user tries to close the webpage. Frequently used by advertisers and pornographers.
  3. (business studies) With attribute ""better"", a hypothetical new or improved product used in economic projections.
    But what happens if they build a better mousetrap?
  4. (chiefly UK) Ordinary, everyday cheese

Definizione dizionario mousetrap

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Altri significati:
  (chiefly UK) Ordinary, everyday cheese
  (business studies) With attribute "better
  (figuratively) To trap; to trick or fool (someone) into a bad situation.
  device for killing mice
  (computing) A website designed to open another copy of itself when the user tries to close the webpage. Frequently used by advertisers and pornographers.
  Device for capturing or killing mice and other rodents.

Traduzione mousetrap

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