own definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



own (third-person singular simple present owns, present participle owning, simple past and past participle owned)

  1. (transitive) To have rightful possession of (property, goods or capital); ""To possess by right; to have the right of property in; to have the legal right or rightful title to."" (Ref 1)
    I own this car.
  2. To claim as ones own; to answer to.
    • 1902, Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, Tank Books 2007, p. 25:
      I am sorry to own I began to worry then.
  3. (transitive) To defeat or embarrass; to overwhelm.
    I will own my enemies.
    If he wins, he will own you.
  4. (transitive) To virtually or figuratively enslave.
  5. (transitive, computing, slang) To illicitly obtain ""super-user"" or ""root"" access into a computer system thereby having access to all of the user files on that system; pwn.
  6. (intransitive) To admit to be true; concede, grant, allow, acknowledge, confess; not to deny; to admit to be true. (Ref 2)
  7. (intransitive) To acknowledge or admit the possession or ownership of. (Ref 3)


  1. Belonging to; possessed; proper to;
    Surprisingly, I realised my own brother had the same idea as me.
    You need to find your own seat - this one is mine.
    He gave her a pen, because he already had his own.
    The restored Maxwell is Bobs own car.
    They went this way, but we need to find our own way.
    We have made some arrangements, but you will need to make your own.
    They were all prepared for the picnic, because they had all brought their own food and plates.
  2. (obsolete) peculiar, domestic;
  3. (obsolete) not foreign;

Definizione dizionario own

  belonging to (determiner)
  Belonging to.
  have rightful possession of
  To have rightful possession of property, goods or capital.
  To be in possession of an object.

Altri significati:
  (intransitive) To acknowledge or admit the possession or ownership of. (Ref 3)
  (obsolete) not foreign;
  To claim as one's own; to answer to.
  (transitive) To virtually or figuratively enslave.
  (obsolete) peculiar, domestic;
  (transitive) To have rightful possession of (property, goods or capital); "To possess by right; to have the right of property in; to have the legal right or rightful title to." (Ref 1)
  (transitive, UK dialectal) To confess.
  (transitive, computing, slang) To illicitly obtain "super-user" or "root" access into a computer system thereby having access to all of the user files on that system; pwn.
  acknowledge responsibility for
  Belonging to; possessed; proper to;
  (transitive) To recognise, to acknowledge responsibility for, to admit to be true.
  (transitive) To defeat or embarrass; to overwhelm.
  (intransitive) To admit to be true; concede, grant, allow, acknowledge, confess; not to deny; to admit to be true. (Ref 2)

Traduzione own

proprio ,possedere ,avere ,sconfiggere ,ammettere

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