play definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



play (third-person singular simple present plays, present participle playing, simple past and past participle played)

  1. (intransitive) To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation.
    They played long and hard.
    • 2001, Annabelle Sabloff, Reordering the Natural World, Univ. of Toronto Press, page 83:
      A youngster...listed some of the things his pet did not do: ...go on vacation, play in the same way that he did with his friends, and so on.
    • 2003, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont et al. (eds.), Joining Society: Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and Youth, Cambridge Univ. Press, page 52:
      We had to play for an hour, so that meant that we didnt have time to play and joke around.
  2. (intransitive) To take part in amorous activity; to make love, fornicate; to have sex.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.iv:
      Her proper face / I not descerned in that darkesome shade, / But weend it was my loue, with whom he playd.
  3. (intransitive) To perform in a sport.
    He plays on three teams.
    Whos playing now?
  4. (transitive) To participate in the game indicated.
    play football
    play sports
    play games
  5. (transitive) To compete against, in a game
    • 2011 November 12, “International friendly: England 1-0 Spain”, BBC Sport:
      England will not be catapulted among the favourites for Euro 2012 as a result of this win, but no victory against Spain is earned easily and it is right they take great heart from their efforts as they now prepare to play Sweden at Wembley on Tuesday.
  6. (transitive) To act as the indicated role, especially in a performance.
    He plays the King, and shes the Queen.
    No part of the brain plays the role of permanent memory.
  7. (intransitive) To produce music using a musical instrument.
    Ive practiced the piano off and on, and I still cant play very well.
  8. (transitive, ergative) To produce music on the indicated musical instrument.
    Ill play the piano and you sing.
    Can you play an instrument?
  9. (transitive, ergative) To produce music, the indicated song or style, with a musical instrument.
    We especially like to play jazz together.
    Play a song for me.
    Do you know how to play Für Elise?
    My son thinks he can play music.
  10. (transitive, ergative) To use a device to watch or listen to the indicated recording.
    You can play the DVD now.
  11. (copulative) Contrary to fact, to give an appearance of being.
    • 1985, Sharon S Brehm, Intimate Relationships
      Playing hard to get is not the same as slamming the door in someones face.
    • 1996, Michael P Mal one, James J Hill: Empire Builder of the Northwest
      Now, surveying his final link, he had the nice advantage of being able to play coy with established port cities that desperately wanted his proven railroad.
    • 2003, John U. Ogbu, Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement, page 194
      Instead, they played dumb, remained silent, and did their classwork.

play (countable and uncountable; plural plays)

  1. (uncountable) Activity for amusement only, especially among the young.
  2. The conduct, or course of a game.
  3. (countable) An individuals performance in a sport or game.
  4. (countable) (turn-based games) An action carried out when it is ones turn to play.
  5. (countable) A literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue.
  6. (countable) A theatrical performance featuring actors.
    We saw a two-act play in the theatre.
  7. (countable) A major move by a business.
  8. (countable) A geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources.
  9. (uncountable) The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely.
    No wonder the fanbelt is slipping: there’s too much play in it.
    Too much play in a steering wheel may be dangerous.
  10. (uncountable, informal) Sexual role-playing.
    • 1996, Sabrina P Ramet, Gender reversals and gender cultures
      The rarity of male domination in fantasy play is readily explained.
    • 1996, ""toptigger"", (on Internet newsgroup alt.personals.spanking.punishment)
      Palm Springs M seeks sane F 4 safe bdsm play
  11. (Should we delete(+) this sense?) (countable) A button that, when pressed, causes media to be played.

Definizione dizionario play

  act in a manner such that one has fun
  Comportarsi in modo tale da divertirsi; partecipare alle attività, il quale scopo é quello della ricreazione.
  To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation.
  Dedicarsi ad uno sport in modo professionale o da dilettante.
  Disputare una gara sportiva.
  Take part in a sport's match.
  playful activity
  produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun
  Servirsi di uno strumento musicale per ottenere dei suoni.
  To use a musical instrument, obtaining sounds from it.
  theatrical performance
  act in a performance
  To start or continue the execution of a digital media file.
lavoro teatrale
opera teatrale

Altri significati:
  literary composition
  deal (a blow)
  (intransitive) To perform in a sport.
  (countable) A literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue.
  participate in (a sport or game)
  act (a part)
  (intransitive) To produce music using a musical instrument.
  major move by a business
  play (a game)
  (intransitive) To take part in amorous activity; to make love, fornicate; to have sex.
  play (theatrical)
  (copulative) Contrary to fact, to give an appearance of being.
  (to) play
  (countable) A theatrical performance featuring actors.
  (transitive, ergative) To produce music on the indicated musical instrument.
  kyogen (farce played during a Noh cycle)
  (transitive, ergative) To use a device to watch or listen to the indicated recording.
  (uncountable, informal) Sexual role-playing.
  individual's performance in a sport
  produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun)
  (countable) ( '''turn-based games''' ) An action carried out when it is one's turn to play.
  play (an instrument)
  (transitive, ergative) To produce music, the indicated song or style, with a musical instrument.
  geological formation
  (uncountable) Activity for amusement only, especially among the young.
  use a device to hear (a recording)
  (countable) A geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources.
  play (musical instrument)
  (transitive) To act as the indicated role, especially in a performance.
  (transitive) To participate in the game indicated.
  (countable) An individual's performance in a sport or game.
  make a visit (esp. for pleasure)
  The conduct, or course of a game.
  (uncountable) The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely.
  (intransitive) To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation.
  area of free movement for a part of a mechanism
  play (margin between on and off, gap before pressing button or lever has an effect)
  deal with a situation in a diplomatic manner
  (countable) A major move by a business.
  action carried out when it is one's turn to play
  play (piano, guitar)
  be amused (with something)
  (Should we delete <sup>(+)</sup> this sense?) (countable) A button that, when pressed, causes media to be played.

Traduzione play

giocare ,gioco ,suonare ,dramma ,recitare

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