quadrille definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua




  1. first-person singular present indicative of quadriller
  2. third-person singular present indicative of quadriller
  3. first-person singular present subjunctive of quadriller
  4. first-person singular present subjunctive of quadriller
  5. second-person singular imperative of quadriller

quadrille (plural quadrilles)

  1. A dance originating from the mid 1700s with four dancers forming a square, rather much like the modern square dance.
    • 1891, Thomas Hardy, Tess of the dUrbervilles[1], part 2:
      The movements of the other women were more or less similar to Tesss, the whole bevy of them drawing together like dancers in a quadrille at the completion of a sheaf by each, every one placing her sheaf on end against those of the rest, till a shock, or stitch as it was here called, of ten or a dozen was formed.
  2. A card game from the 1700s.
    • 1812, Jane Austen, chapter 17, Pride and Prejudice[2]:
      It now first struck her that she was selected from among her sisters as worthy of being the mistress of Hunsford Parsonage, and of assisting to form a quadrille table at Rosings, in the absence of more eligible visitors.

Definizione dizionario quadrille


Altri significati:
  Quadrille ruled graph paper, quad paper.
  A card game from the 1700s.
  A dance originating from the mid 1700s with four dancers forming a square, rather much like the modern square dance.

Traduzione quadrille


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