reserve definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



reserve (third-person singular simple present reserves, present participle reserving, simple past and past participle reserved)

  1. To keep back; to retain.
    We reserve the right for modifications.
  2. To keep in store for future or special use.
    This cake is reserved for the guests!
  3. To book in advance; to make a reservation.
    I reserved a table for us at the best restaurant in town.

reserve (plural reserves)

  1. The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation; exception.
    I accept your view with one reserve.
  2. That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.
  3. A natural resource known to exist but not currently exploited.
    New oil reserves are continuously being discovered, but not as fast as the existing ones are running out.
  4. Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior.
  5. A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy.
  6. (Canada) A tract of land set apart for the use of an Aboriginal group. (Compare US reservation.)
  7. (military) A body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency.
  8. (finance) Funds kept on hand to meet planned or unplanned financial requirements.
  9. (sports) A member of a team who does not participate from the start of the game, but can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates.

Definizione dizionario reserve

  Mettere da parte (qualcosa per qualcun altro)con anticipo.
  To arrange for (something for someone else) in advance.
  Mettere a disposizione di qualcuno, destinare.
  Any area of land or water that has been set aside for a special purpose, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystems. (Source: RHW / DOE)
  Restrizione, condizionamento che determina un limite al consenso.

Altri significati:
  tract of land reserved for Aboriginal people
  Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior.
  (finance) Funds kept on hand to meet planned or unplanned financial requirements.
  to book in advance
  to keep in store for future or special use
  finance: funds kept on hand
  The act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation; exception.
  known unexploited natural resource
  to keep back; to retain
  tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose
  the act of reserving, or keeping back; reservation
  request (an interview)
  restraint of freedom in words or actions
  (sports) A member of a team who does not participate from the start of the game, but can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates.
  military: body of troops in the rear of an army
  that which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use
  That which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use.
  A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose; as, the Connecticut Reserve in Ohio, originally set apart for the school fund of Connecticut; the Clergy Reserves in Canada, for the support of the clergy.
  A natural resource known to exist but not currently exploited.
  reserve (for wild animals)
  (military) A body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency.
  (Canada) A tract of land set apart for the use of an Aboriginal group. (Compare US reservation.)
  leave (behind, over)
  To book in advance; to make a reservation.
  To keep back; to retain.
  To keep in store for future or special use.
  sports: reserve player
  A command that allocates contiguous disk space for the device instance's workspace. Digital video devices recognize this command.

Traduzione reserve

riservare ,riserva ,conservare ,coprire ,fissare

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