Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di revanchist . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



revanchist (plural revanchists)

  1. A person seeking revenge or otherwise advocating retaliation, originally specifically to avenge Germanys defeat in the Second World War.
    • 1997, Tony Hendra, ""Old Soldiers"", Harpers Magazine, vol. 295:1766, p. 53:
      The next day, newspapers across the political spectrum will express varying degrees of outrage at the presidents discourtesy, ignorance, and lack of style; one will accuse him of being a revanchist.

revanchist (not comparable)

  1. Advocating a policy of revenge or retaliation.
    • 1974, ""The Legacy of a Good German"", Time, 20 Mar 1974:
      No longer did young German tourists in France or Holland have to pretend that they were Swedes, and no longer did the governments of Eastern Europe blame all their problems on the ""revanchist West Germans"".
    • 2009, Jackson Lears, ""The Waxing and Waning of Americas Political Right"", New York Times, 2009 SEP 29 [Retrieved 2009 OCT 05]. [1]:
      What remains is an elegant brief history of the modern conservative movement, as unsparing in its critique of liberal hubris as of revanchist resentment.

Definizione dizionario revanchist

Altri significati:
  A person seeking revenge or otherwise advocating retaliation, originally specifically to avenge Germany's defeat in the Second World War.
  advocating a policy of revanche
  Advocating a policy of revenge or retaliation.
  a vengeful person

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