ruck definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



ruck (third-person singular simple present rucks, present participle rucking, simple past and past participle rucked)

  1. (obsolete, transitive) To act as a ruckman in a stoppage in Australian Rules football.

ruck (countable and uncountable; plural rucks)

  1. A throng or crowd of people or things; a mass, a pack. [from 16th c.]
    • 1873, Anthony Trollope, Phineas Redux, Chapter 16:
      Dandolo was constantly in the ditch, sometimes lying with his side against the bank, and had now been so hustled and driven that, had he been on the other side, he would have had no breath left to carry his rider, even in the ruck of the hunt.
    • 1914, Booth Tarkington, Penrod, Chapter 23:
      At last, out of the ruck rose Verman, disfigured and maniacal. With a wild eye he looked about him for his trusty rake; but Penrod, in horror, had long since thrown the rake out into the yard.
  2. (Australian Rules Football) Contesting a bounce or ball up; used appositionally in ""ruck contest"". Rucks also used collectively either of ruckmen or of ruckmen and ruck rovers, and occasionally used in place of ""followers"" (including rovers too). [from 19th c.]
  3. (rugby union) The situation formed when a runner is brought to ground and one or more members of each side are engaged above the ball, trying to win possession of it; a loose scrum. [from 20th c.]
  4. The common mass of people or things; the ordinary ranks. [from 19th c.]
    • 1874, Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd:
      ""He is well born."" ""His being higher in learning and birth than the ruck o soldiers is anything but a proof of his worth. It shows his course to be downard.""
    • 1911, Saki, ‘Tobermory’, The Chronicles of Clovis:
      ‘Here and there among cats one comes across an outstanding superior intellect, just as one does among the ruck of human beings [...].’

Definizione dizionario ruck


Altri significati:
  (Australian Rules Football) Contesting a bounce or ball up; used appositionally in "ruck contest". Rucks also used collectively either of ruckmen or of ruckmen and ruck rovers, and occasionally used in place of "followers" (including rovers too).
  (transitive) To crease or fold.
  (obsolete, transitive) To act as a ruckman in a stoppage in Australian Rules football.
  (obsolete) The commonplace; the lower social classes.
  (archaic) A fight, a scuffle.
  (rugby union) The situation formed when a runner is brought to ground and one or more members of each side are engaged above the ball, trying to win possession of it; a loose scrum.
  (obsolete) A rapidly moving throng or mob; a pack of people actively engaged in something.
  (intransitive) To become folded.
  A crease, a wrinkle, a pucker, as on fabric.

Traduzione ruck

grinza ,massa ,mucchio ,piega

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