after definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di after . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua




  1. (obsolete) Second (of two); next; following.
  2. (nautical, where the frame of reference is within the ship) At or towards the stern of a ship
    The after gun is mounted aft.
    The after gun is abaft the forward gun.
  3. (dated) Later; subsequent.
    • 1834, David Crockett, A Narrative of the Life of, Nebraska 1987, p. 72:
      I did verily believe in my own mind, that I couldnt fight in that way at all; but my after experience convinced me that this was all a notion.
    • 1886, Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge?
      The amends he had made in after life were lost sight of in the dramatic glare of the original act.

after (not comparable)

  1. Behind; later in time; following.
    They lived happily ever after.
    I left the room, and the dog bounded after.


  1. subsequently to; following in time; later than.
    We had a few beers after the game.
    The time is quarter after eight.
    The Cold War began shortly after the Second World War
  2. behind
    he will leave a trail of destruction after him
  3. in pursuit of, seeking
    hes after a job
    run after him
    inquire after her health
  4. in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing
    we named him after his grandfather
    a painting after Leonardo da Vinci
  5. next in importance or rank
    The princess is next in line to the throne after the prince.
  6. as a result of
    After your bad behaviour, you will be punished.
  7. in spite of
    After all that has happened, he is still my friend.
  8. (Ireland, usually preceded by a form of be, followed by an -ing form of a verb) Used to indicate recent completion of an activity
    I was after finishing my dinner when there was a knock on the door.
    • 1875, Patrick Kennedy, Evenings in the Duffrey, page 283:
      He was after walking on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before, all the way from the County Limerick, where his brother, Father John, has a parish; and you may believe, the poor man was tired
    • 1906, Lady Gregory, “A Miracle Play”, The Shanachie, volume 1:?
      Mother: Let him get away out of this now, himself and his share of songs. Look at the way he has your bib destroyed that I was after washing in the morning!
    • 2004, Joseph OConnor, Star of the Sea[1], page 40:
      When I woke up it was black-dark and the music was after stopping. I could taste the bread I was after eating in the dream, as sweet and luscious as any I ever knew
    • 2004, Tabor Evans, Longarm and the Great Milk Train Robbery:
      He asked directions to the dairy those milk cans had shown up late at. Corrigan pointed back the way hed come and explained, “Youd have been after riding past their loading platform because they dont have their sign overlooking where the train would be after stopping.
    • 2008, M. P. Shiel, The Black Box, page 45:
      ""Yes. And where were you when the flood broke loose?"" / ""I would be most of the way to the Old House then. OLoughlin was after running in wild to tell me he was hearing the Banshee out at The Old House, […] .""


  1. Signifies that the action of the clause it starts takes place before the action of the other clause.
    I went home after we had decided to call it a day.
    • 1991, Donald ""Shadow"" Rimgale (character), Robert DeNiro (actor), Backdraft
      So you punched out a window for ventilation. Was that before or after you noticed you were standing in a lake of gasoline?

Definizione dizionario after

  behind; later in time; following
  Che segue nel tempo, più tardi, seguentemente.
  Subsequent; following in time; later than.
  Seguente in importanza o rango.
  Next in importance or rank.
  Alle spalle di, nella parte posteriore di.
  At the back of
  subsequently; following in time; later than
  Come risultato di.
  As a result of
a dispetto di
  Nonostante il fatto che.
  Despite the fact that.
  In allusione a, imitazione di; seguito o riferito a.
  In allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing.
  in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing
essere dietro a
  Perseguire o cercare qualcuno.
  In pursuit of, seeking.
il fatto che
  in spite of
in seguito
  in pursuit of, seeking
  Nonostante il fatto che.
  Despite the fact that.
per causa di
  as a result of
  behind; later in time; following
  in spite of
a dopo
dopo questo
più tardi

Altri significati:
  (dated) Later; subsequent.
  (obsolete) Second (of two); next; following.
  Behind; later in time; following.
  Signifies that the action of the clause it starts takes place before the action of the other clause.
  ex (official, etc.)
  subsequently to; following in time; later than.
  Following someone or something.
  next in importance or rank
  since (following te-form verb)
  Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause
  after (time)
  after (temporal)
  (nautical, where the frame of reference is within the ship) At or towards the stern of a ship

Traduzione after

dopo ,dietro ,seguente ,a dispetto di ,basato

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