and definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



and c. (singular definite anden, plural indefinite ænder)

  1. duck
  2. canard (false or misleading report or story)


  1. even; also


  1. As a coordinating conjunction; expressing two elements to be taken together or in addition to each other.
    1. Used simply to connect two noun phrases, adjectives or adverbs. [from 8th c.]
      • 1611, King James Version of the Bible (Authorized Version), Genesis 1:1
        In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
      • 1817, Jane Austen, Persuasion:
        as for Mrs. Smith, she had claims of various kinds to recommend her quickly and permanently.
      • 2011, Mark Townsend, The Guardian, 5 Nov 2011:
        ‘The UKBA has some serious explaining to do if it is routinely carrying out such abusive and unlawful inspections.’
    2. Simply connecting two clauses or sentences. [from 8th c.]
      • 1991, Jung Chang, Wild Swans:
        When she saw several boys carrying a huge wooden case full of porcelain, she mumbled to Jinming that she was going to have a look, and left the room.
      • 2011, Helena Smith & Tom Kington, The Guardian, 5 Nov 2011:
        ""Consensus is essential for the country,"" he said, adding that he was not ""tied"" to his post and was willing to step aside.
    3. Introducing a clause or sentence which follows on in time or consequence from the first. [from 9th c.]
      • 1996, David Beasley, Chocolate for the Poor:
        ‘But if you think you can get it, Christian, youre a fool. Set one foot upcountry and Ill kill you.’
      • 2004, Will Buckley, The Observer:, 22 Aug 2004:
        One more error and all the good work she had done on Friday would be for nought.
    4. (obsolete) Yet; but. [10th-17th c.]
      • 1611, Authorized (King James) Version, Bible, Matthew XXII:
        Hee said, I goe sir, and went not.
    5. Used to connect certain numbers: connecting units when they precede tens (now (dated)); connecting tens and units to hundreds, thousands etc. (now chiefly (UK)); to connect fractions to wholes. [from 10th c.]
      • 1863, Abraham Lincoln, ‘Gettysburg Address’:
        Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that ""all men are created equal"".
      • 1906, Upton Sinclair, The Jungle:
        In Chicago these latter were receiving, for the most part, eighteen and a half cents an hour, and the unions wished to make this the general wage for the next year.
      • 1956, Dodie Smith, (title):
        The One Hundred and One Dalmatians.
    6. (now colloquial or literary) Used to connect more than two elements together in a chain, sometimes to stress the number of elements.
      • 1623, William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, First Folio, II.2:
        And these does she apply, for warnings and portents, / And euils imminent; and on her knee / Hath beggd, that I will stay at home to day.
      • 1939, Langley, Ryerson & Woolf, The Wizard of Oz (screenplay):
        Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my!
    7. Connecting two identical elements, with implications of continued or infinite repetition. [from 10th c.]
      • 1611, Authorized (King James) Version, Bible, Psalms CXLV:
        I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
      • 2011, Jonathan Watts, The Guardian, 18 Mar 2011:
        He was at work in a nearby city when the tsunami struck. ‘As soon as I saw it, I called home. It rang and rang, but there was no answer.’
    8. Introducing a parenthetical or explanatory clause. [from 10th c.]
      • 1918, George W. E. Russell, Prime Ministers and Some Others:
        The word ""capable"" occurs in Mr. Fishers Bill, and rightly, because our mental and physical capacities are infinitely varied.
      • 2008, The Guardian, 29 Jan 2008:
        President Pervez Musharraf is undoubtedly sincere in his belief that he, and he alone, can save Pakistan from the twin perils of terrorism and anarchy.
    9. Introducing the continuation of narration from a previous understood point; also used alone as a question: ‘and so what?’.
      • 1611, Authorized (King James) Version, Bible, Revelation XIV:
        And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps [...].
      • 1861, Charles Dickens, Great Expectations:
        ‘You take it smoothly now,’ said I, ‘but you were very serious last night, when you swore it was Death.’ ‘And so I swear it is Death,’ said he, putting his pipe back in his mouth [...].
      • 1914, Saki, ‘The Lull’, Beasts and Superbeasts:
        And, Vera,’ added Mrs. Durmot, turning to her sixteen-year-old niece, ‘be careful what colour ribbon you wear in your hair [...].’
    10. (now regional or somewhat colloquial) Used to connect two verbs where the second is dependent on the first: ‘to’. Used especially after come, go and try. [from 14th c.]
      • 1817, Jane Austen, Sanditon:
        Beyond paying her a few charming compliments and amusing her with gay conversation, had he done anything at all to try and gain her affection?
      • 1989, James Kelman, A Disaffection:
        Remember and help yourself to the soup! called Gavin.
    11. Used to combine numbers in addition; plus (with singular or plural verb). [from 17th c.]
      • 1791, James Boswell, Life of Samuel Johnson:
        ‘Nobody attempts to dispute that two and two make four: but with contests concerning moral truth, human passions are generally mixed [...].’
      • 1871, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There:
        ‘Can you do Addition?’ the White Queen asked. ‘Whats one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one?’

Definizione dizionario and

  Used at the end of a list to indicate the last item
  Used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera
  Usato alla fine di una lista per indicare l'ultimo elemento.
  Used at the end of a list to indicate the last item.
  Viene usato per unire frasi o frammenti di frasi in ordine cronologico.
  Used to join sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order.
  Usato per indicare una causa.
  Used to indicate causation.
  Usato per unire due parole o frasi omogenee.
  Used to connect two homogeneous words or phrases.
  Congiunzione (supplementare?)
  Conjunction (additive)
  Used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera
e ed

Altri significati:
  Used to ask for elaboration.
  Used to connect two homogeneous (similar) words or phrases.
  (informal) To; used to connect two finite verbs.
  and (also)
  and (clausal conjunction)
  (mathematics) Used to indicate addition.
  and (connects two things, can be attached as sì: for clauses use)
  (now US dialect) If.
  still (doing something)
  Used to show causation
  Used to string together sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order

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e ,ed ,anche ,con ,di

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