Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di consideration . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



consideration (plural considerations)

  1. The thought process of considering, of taking everything into account.
    After much consideration, I have decided to stay.
  2. Something considered as a reason or ground for a (possible) decision.
  3. The tendency to consider others.
    You showed remarkable consideration in giving up your place for your friend.
    Will you noisy children show some consideration and stop your infernal screaming? Im trying to study!
  4. A payment or other recompense for something done.
    Sure Ill move my car, but only for a consideration.
  5. (law) A matter of inducement for something promised; something valuable given as recompense for a promise, which causes the promise to become binding as a contract.
    • 2007, Wikipedia:Contract:
      Consideration is an intention to create legal relations.
    • 2008, A contract:
      In consideration of the perfomance of Bs obligations hereunder, A hereby grants to Bs personal license.

Definizione dizionario consideration

  The act or an instance of considering

Altri significati:
  A recompense for something done
  The process of considering
  (law) A matter of inducement for something promised; something valuable given as recompense for a promise, which causes the promise to become binding as a contract.
  Something considered as a reason or ground for a (possible) decision
  The tendency to consider others
  Something considered as a reason or ground for a decision
  The thought process of considering, of taking everything into account.
  consideration (in a contract)
  consideration (for others)
  A payment or other recompense for something done.
  The tendency to consider others.

Traduzione consideration

considerazione ,fattore ,giudizio ,pagamento ,premura

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