consult definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



consult (third-person singular simple present consults, present participle consulting, simple past and past participle consulted)

  1. (intransitive) To seek the opinion or advice of another; to take counsel; to deliberate together; to confer.
    Let us consult upon to-morrows business. -William Shakespeare
    All the laws of England have been made by the kings England, consulting with the nobility and commons. - Thomas Hobbes.
  2. (intransitive) To advise or offer expertise.
  3. (intransitive) To work as a consultant or contractor rather than as a full-time employee of a firm.
  4. (transitive) To ask advice of; to seek the opinion of; to apply to for information or instruction; to refer to; as, to consult a physician; to consult a dictionary.
    Men fergot, or feared, to consult ... ; they were content to consult liberaries. - William Whewell.
  5. (transitive) To have reference to, in judging or acting; to have regard to; to consider; as, to consult ones wishes.
    We are ... to consult the necessities of life, rather than matters of ornament and delight. -LEstrange.
  6. (transitive), (obsolete): To deliberate upon; to take for.
    Many things were there consulted for the future, yet nothing was positively resolved. -Edward Hyde Clarendon.
  7. (transitive), (obsolete): To bring about by counsel or contrivance; to devise; to contrive.
    Thou hast consulted shame to thy use by cutting off many people. -Hab. ii. 10.

consult (plural consults)

  1. (obsolete): The act of consulting or deliberating; consultation; also, the result of consultation; determination; decision.
    The council broke; And all grave consults dissolved in smoke. -John Dryden.
  2. (obsolete): A council; a meeting for consultation.
    A consult of coquettes. -Jonathan Swift.
  3. (obsolete): Agreement; concert.
  4. (US): A visit, e.g. to a doctor; a consultation.

Definizione dizionario consult

  To confer with the call recipient before transferring a call or adding the call recipient to a conference call.
chiedere consulenza a

Altri significati:
  (to) consult

Traduzione consult

consultare ,chiedere consulenza a ,consigliare ,discutere ,interrogare

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