dry definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



dry (third-person singular simple present dries, present participle drying, simple past and past participle dried)

  1. (intransitive) To lose moisture.
    The clothes dried on the line.
  2. (transitive) To remove moisture from.
    Devin dried her eyes with a handkerchief.

dr? m.

  1. a sorcerer or magician
    Hi woldon forbærnan ðone dry. —Ælfric’s Homilies, vol. 1. (‘They would burn the sorceror.’)

dry (comparative drier, superlative driest or dryest)

  1. Free from liquid or moisture.
    Could you hand me a dry towel?
    My throat feels itchy and dry.
    Cover the chicken as it bakes or itll get too dry.
  2. (chemistry) Free of water in any state; anhydrous
    Dry alcohol is 200 proof.
  3. (of an alcoholic beverage) Lacking sugar or low in sugar; not sweet.
    I like to take a dry sherry before lunch on Sundays.
  4. Maintaining temperance; void or abstinent from alcoholic beverages.
    A former alcoholic, hes been dry for almost a year now.
    Youll have to drive out of this dry county to find any liquor.
    It was a dry house.
  5. (of a person or joke) Subtly humorous, yet without mirth.
  6. (of a scientist or his laboratory) Not working with chemical or biological matter, but, rather, doing computations.

Definizione dizionario dry

  free from liquid or moisture
  (Quasi) libero da liquidi o umidità.
  (Almost) free from liquid or moisture.
  Classificazionedi vino che contiene relativamente poco zucchero.
  A classification for wine with a relatively low sugar content.
  free from liquid or moisture
  Tempo senza precipitazioni( pioggia, grandine, neve, ecc.).
  Weather without precipitation (rain, hail, snow etc.).
  (Quasi) libero da liquidi o umidità.
  (Almost) free from liquid or moisture.
  to make dry
  Perdere l'umidità, usualmente tramite evaporazione o assorbimento.
  To lose moisture, usually through evaporation or absorption.
  To remove the moisture and make dry.
  Perdere l'umidità, usualmente tramite evaporazione o assorbimento.
  To lose moisture, usually through evaporation or absorption.
  (Quasi) libero da liquidi o umidità.
  (Almost) free from liquid or moisture.
  to become dry
  (Quasi) libero da liquidi o umidità.
  (Almost) free from liquid or moisture.
  Perdere l'umidità, usualmente tramite evaporazione o assorbimento.
  To lose moisture, usually through evaporation or absorption.
a secco
far seccare

Altri significati:
  (of a person or joke) Subtly humorous, yet without mirth.
  (of a scientist or his laboratory) Not working with chemical or biological matter, but, rather, doing computations.
  dry (clothes, etc.)
  free of water in any state
  (to) sun (clothes)
  (transitive) To remove moisture from.
  dry (esp. as in not wet or as in dry humour)
  Maintaining temperance; void or abstinent from alcoholic beverages.
  dry (pleurisy)
  (of an alcoholic beverage) Lacking sugar or low in sugar; not sweet.
  maintaining temperance
  Free from liquid or moisture.
  (intransitive) To lose moisture.
  (chemistry) Free of water in any state; anhydrous

Traduzione dry

secco ,asciutto ,asciugare ,seccare ,secca

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