Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di dusky . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



dusky (plural duskies)

  1. A dusky shark.
  2. A dusky dolphin.

dusky (comparative duskier, superlative duskiest)

  1. Dimly lit, as at dusk (evening).
    I like it when it is dusky, just before the street lights come on.
  2. A shade of color that is rather dark.
    The dusky rose was of a muted color, not clashing with any of the other colors.
  3. (dated) dark-skinned
    1911, James Creelman, Diaz: Master of Mexico[1], D. Appleton and Company, page v:
    • In the raw attempt to apply the perfected institutions of Anglo-Saxon civilization to the descendants of the dusky races which inhabited Mexico before the discovery of America by Columbus, the Mexican statesmen of 1824 put the principles of democratic government to a terrible ordeal.
  4. ashen, greyish skin coloration
    This man in shock has a silver colored dusky skin tone.

Definizione dizionario dusky


Altri significati:
  1911 , James Creelman, '''Diaz: Master of Mexico''' <sup>[1]</sup> , D. Appleton and Company, page v:
  A shade of color that is rather dark.
  Dimly lit, as at dusk (evening).
  A dusky dolphin.
  (dated) dark-skinned
  A dusky shark.

Traduzione dusky

fosco ,oscuro ,tetro ,triste

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