Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di dynamic . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



dynamic (plural dynamics)

  1. A characteristic or manner of an interaction; a behavior.
    Watch the dynamic between the husband and wife when they disagree.
    The study of fluid dynamics quantifies turbulent and laminar flows.
  2. (music) The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that indicate the loudness.
    If you pay attention to the dynamics as you play, its a very moving piece.
  3. (music) A symbol in a musical score that indicates the desired level of volume.

dynamic (comparative more dynamic, superlative most dynamic)

  1. Changeable; active; in motion usually as the result of an external force.
    The environment is dynamic, changing with the years and the seasons.
    He was a dynamic and engaging speaker.
  2. Powerful
  3. Able to change and to adapt
  4. (music) Having to do with the volume of sound.
    The dynamic marking in bar 40 is forte.
  5. (computing) happening at runtime instead of at compile time
  6. pertaining to dynamics

Definizione dizionario dynamic

  not steady; in motion
  able to change
  Che esprime un'azione piùttosto che un'esistenza.
  Expressing action rather than a state of being.
  Occurring immediately and concurrently. The term is used in describing both hardware and software; in both cases it describes some action or event that occurs when and as needed. In dynamic memory management, a program is able to negotiate with the operating system when it needs more memory.
  not steady; in motion
  able to change

Altri significati:
  A characteristic or manner of an interaction; a behavior.
  Able to change and to adapt
  In motion usually as the result of an external force.
  the varying loudness or volume
  (music) Having to do with the volume of sound.
  Changeable; active; in motion usually as the result of an external force.
  a behavior
  (computing) happening at runtime instead of at compile time
  (music) The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that indicate the loudness.
  (music) A symbol in a musical score that indicates the desired level of volume.
  pertaining to dynamics

Traduzione dynamic

dinamico ,dinamica ,attivo

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