far definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di far . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito esercizinglese.com con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. apocopic form of fare

far (plural fars)

  1. spelt (type of wheat)


  1. Alternative form of for.

far (comparative farther/further, superlative farthest/furthest)

  1. Remote in space.
    He went to a far country.
  2. Remote in time.
  3. Long.
    It was a far adventure, full of danger.
  4. More remote or longer of two.
    He moved to the far end of the state. She remained at this end.
  5. Extreme.
    We are on the far right on this issue.

far (comparative farther/further, superlative farthest/furthest)

  1. Distant in space, time or degree.
    My house is quite far from the beach.
    The plan is good, but it is far from being flawless.
  2. To or from a great distance, time, or degree.
    You have all come far and you will go farther.
  3. (with a comparative) Very much.
    He was far richer than wed thought.


  1. (neologism) by[1]
    La libro de Johano far ?ekspiro
    Johns book of/by Shakespeare)
    regata de la popolo, far la popolo por la popolo
    ruled of the people, by the people for the people


  1. where (relative/non-interrogative)
    Bha e cunnartach far an robh am balach ag iasgach. - It was dangerous where the boy was fishing.

Definizione dizionario far

Traduzione far

lontano ,distante ,ampio ,assai ,esteso

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