Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di figural . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



figural (comparative more figural, superlative most figural)

  1. Representing by means of a figure; emblematic.
    • 2007, John Burrow, A History of Histories, Penguin 2009, p. 185:
      The counterparts, in the Christian era, to the figural anticipation of Christ in the Old Testament were the deliverer monarchs and leaders of later times [...].
  2. Figurative, not literal.
  3. (mathematics, obsolete) Of numbers, describing a geometrical figure.
  4. (obsolete) Pertaining to a figure, shape.
  5. (rare) Pertaining to (human) figures.
    • 2009, Diarmaid MacCulloch, A History of Christianity, Penguin 2010, p. 262-3:
      Some of the Umayyads found themselves charmed by the cultures which they had conquered, so that archaeologists in Palestine and Syria have revealed an astonishing flourishing of Christian-style figural art under their rule.
  6. (music) Figurate.

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