Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di handle . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



handle (third-person singular simple present handles, present participle handling, simple past and past participle handled)

  1. (intransitive) To use the hands.
    • They have hands, but they handle not - Psalm 115:7
  2. To touch; to feel with the hand.
    • Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh - Luke 24:39
  3. To use or hold with the hand.
    • About his altar, handling holy things - John Milton
  4. To manage in using, as a spade or a musket; to wield; often, to manage skillfully.
    • That fellow handles his bow like a crowkeeper - Shakespeare, King Lear, IV-vi
  5. To accustom to the hand; to work upon, or take care of, with the hands.
    • The hardness of the winters forces the breeders to house and handle their colts six months every year - Sir W. Temple
  6. To receive and transfer; to have pass through ones hands; hence, to buy and sell; as, a merchant handles a variety of goods, or a large stock
  7. To deal with; to make a business of.
    • They that handle the law knew me not - Jeremiah, 2:8
    • 2011 December 16, Denis Campbell, “Hospital staff lack skills to cope with dementia patients”, Guardian:
      The findings emerged from questionnaires filled in by 2,211 staff in 145 wards of 55 hospitals in England and Wales and 105 observations of care of dementia patients. Two-thirds of staff said they had not had enough training to provide proper care, 50% said they had not been trained how to communicate properly with such patients and 54% had not been told how to handle challenging or aggressive behaviour.
  8. To treat; to use, well or ill.
    • How wert thou handled being prisoner - Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part I, I-iv
  9. To manage; to control; to practice skill upon.
    • You shall see how Ill handle her - Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, V-i
  10. To use or manage in writing or speaking; to treat, as a theme, an argument, or an objection.
    • We will handle what persons are apt to envy others - Francis Bacon
  11. (soccer) To touch the ball with the hand or arm; to commit handball.
    • 2011 February 12, Les Roopanarine, “Birmingham 1 - 0 Stoke”, BBC:
      Robert Huth handled a Bentley shot, only for the offence to go unnoticed.

handle (plural handles)

  1. A part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc.
    • 1854, John Hovey Robinson, Silver-knife: or, The hunters of the Rocky Mountains[1], page 133:
      Once his fingers strayed to the handle of his hunting-knife, and I should have interfered had I not been conscious that Wickliffe was on his guard.
    • 1902, “Atomic Weight of Lanthanum”[2], Journal of the Chemical Society, volume 81, part 2:?
      By pushing the fork downwards so that its teeth pass the handle of the stopper, and then turning the cover of the dessicator 90°, the handle of the stopper falls into the furrows and rests upon them.
    • 1905, “Origin of the Respiratory Sounds”[3], Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, volume 37:?
      By keeping the handle of the bellows fixed in any given position the lung within the chamber could be kept for a short time at any desired degree of distension, and by pressing at intervals upon the bag, air could be forced to and fro between the bad and the lung outside the chamber, without distending the air within it.
  2. That of which use is made; an instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool.
    • 1894, Robert Needham Cust, Essay on the prevailing methods of the evangelization of the non-Christian world[4], page 70:
      Nothing can be more reprehensible, or wicked, than to make Christian Missions a handle for political expansion.
    • 1978, William Hay Taliaferro, John Herbert Humphrey, Advances in immunology[5], page 224:
      Many investigators feel that the double requirement for the antigen-recognition by cytotoxic T cells or DTH-reactive T cells may provide a handle for solving the T-cell receptor puzzle, and that anti-Id reagents are to be used in this approach.
    • 1997, Allen S. Johnson, A prologue to revolution: the political career of George Grenville[6], ISBN 9780761806004, page 95:
      Indeed, at the beginning of the session he was careful to make ""no declarations of what might hereafter be measures, so as to give anybody a handle for fixing him down to any particular system.""
  3. (gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments.
    • 2001, William Norman Thompson, Gambling in America: an encyclopedia of history, issues, and society[7], ISBN 9781576071595, page 421:
      For a casino table game,the handle is difficult to determine, as it consists of all the bets made in every game, whether by chip or by cash play.
    • 2001, Harold L. Vogel, Travel industry economics: a guide for financial analysis[8], ISBN 9780521781633, page 139:
      Note here, however, that the casinos ""edge"" (its expected value per unit bet, or, in casino jargon, the house p.c.) in table games is expressed as a percentage of the handle and not as a percentage of the drop (even though these might sometimes be the same).
    • 2007, Douglas M. Walker, The economics of casino gambling[9], ISBN 9783540351023, page 77:
      The results for the dog racing model indicate that increases in lottery sales and decreases in horse racing handle and casino revenues in the state in question statistically increase dog racing handle.
    The daily handle of a Las Vegas casino is typically millions of dollars.
  4. (topology) A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls.
    • 2003, Gordana Mati?, Clint McCrory, Topology and geometry of manifolds[10], ISBN 9780821835074, page 182:
      Such a 2-handle cancels the 1-handle so the manifold is D4.
  5. (Australian, New Zealand) A 10 fl oz (285 ml) glass of beer in the Northern Territory. See also pot, middy for other regional variations.
    • 2002, Kate Duignan, Breakwater[11], Victoria University Press, ISBN 9780864734174, page 86:
      A shudder passes over him and he orders another handle of beer.
    • 2006, Rod Hylands, Lateral Connection[12], ISBN 9780476015296, page 68:
      Imagine staring into the heavens on a clear night and seeing a handle of beer floating amongst the stars, or an angel, or the face of a famous celebrity.
    • 2008, Stephanie E. Butler, Fodors 2009 New Zealand[13], ISBN 9781400019526, page 571:
      When ordering a beer, youll get either a handle (mug) or a one-liter jug (pitcher).
  6. (computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
    • 1989, Petrus Maria Gerardus Apers, Gio Wiederhold, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Very Large Data[14], page 383:
      A handle for a type instance is similar to an open file descriptor; it is used to reference that type instance when performing operations on it.
    • 2008, Stephen J. Chapman, MATLAB programming for engineers[15], ISBN 9780495244493, page 354:
      By contrast, when a host function creates a handle for a nested function and returns that handle to a calling program, the host functions workspace is created and remains in existence for as long as the function handle remains in existence.
    This article describes how to find the module name from the window handle.
  7. (US) a 1.75-liter (half-gallon) bottle of alcohol

Definizione dizionario handle

  Portare avanti un'attività e sim.
  Any token that a program can use to identify and access an object such as a device, a file, a window, or a dialog box.
punto di controllo
  Any token that a program can use to identify and access an object such as a device, a file, a window, or a dialog box.
aggancio per un file
occuparsi di

Altri significati:
  (gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments.
  to manage; to control; to practice skill upon
  to take care of, with the hands
  To manage; to control; to practice skill upon.
  To use or manage in writing or speaking; to treat, as a theme, an argument, or an objection.
  to manage skillfully
  that of which use is made
  (arrow) shaft
  to use or hold with the hand
  A part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc.
  To manage in using, as a spade or a musket; to wield; often, to manage skillfully.
  to use the hands
  part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved
  to treat; to use, well or ill
  to deal with; to make a business of
  (computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
  To accustom to the hand; to work upon, or take care of, with the hands.
  (soccer) To touch the ball with the hand or arm; to commit handball.
  To treat; to use, well or ill.
  to feel with the hand
  (US) a 1.75-liter (half-gallon) bottle of alcohol
  To touch; to feel with the hand.
  handle (men)
  (intransitive) To use the hands.
  To deal with; to make a business of.
  A closed loop that is normally placed horizontally on an object (for example, on a mug or a cup).
  (to) handle
  (Australian, New Zealand) A 10 fl oz (285 ml) glass of beer in the Northern Territory. See also pot, middy for other regional variations.
  (topology) A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls.
  That of which use is made; an instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool.
  (slang) A name, nickname or pseudonym.
  to receive and transfer
  to use or manage in writing or speaking
  To receive and transfer; to have pass through one's hands; hence, to buy and sell; as, a merchant handles a variety of goods, or a large stock
  To feel with the hand; to use or hold with the hand.
  To use or hold with the hand.

Traduzione handle

manico ,maniglia ,trattare ,gestire ,handle

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