Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di handwriting . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
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Definizione monolingua




  1. Present participle of handwrite.

handwriting (usually uncountable; plural handwritings)

  1. The act or process of writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed.
  2. The characteristic writing of a particular person
    • 1895, F. Marion Crawford, Taquisara[1]:
      It was still early in the morning when Elettra brought her a letter, bearing the postmark of the city, and addressed in one of those small, clear handwritings which seem naturally to belong to scholars and students.
    • 1893, Joseph B. Lightfoot, Essays on ""Supernatural Religion""[2]:
      In some handwritings of the seventh or eighth century, where the letters have a round form, the substitution of OT for EG would be far from difficult.
    • 1914, P. S. Allen, The Age of Erasmus[3]:
      Great libraries are only just beginning to gather up the manuscript minutiae which their books contain; to identify handwritings; to decipher monograms; to collect facts.
  3. Text that was written by hand.

Definizione dizionario handwriting

  The characteristic writing of a particular person

Altri significati:
  The writing which characterizes a particular person.
  What you write using your stylus.
  The art of writing with the hand and a writing instrument.
  Writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed.
  Writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed
  Present participle of handwrite.
  apt move (in a go or shogi game)

Traduzione handwriting

calligrafia ,scrittura

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