Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di hide . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



hide (third-person singular simple present hides, present participle hiding, simple past hid, past participle hidden)

  1. (transitive) To put (something) in a place where it will be harder to discover or out of sight.
    He hides his magazines under the bed.
    The politicians were accused of keeping information hidden from the public.
    • 1856: Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary, Part III Chapter XI, translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling
      The blind man, whom he had not been able to cure with the pomade, had gone back to the hill of Bois-Guillaume, where he told the travellers of the vain attempt of the druggist, to such an extent, that Homais when he went to town hid himself behind the curtains of the ""Hirondelle"" to avoid meeting him.
  2. (intransitive) To put oneself in a place where one will be harder to find or out of sight.

hide (plural hides)

  1. (countable) The skin of an animal.
  2. (countable) (mainly British) A covered structure from which hunters, birdwatchers, etc can observe animals without scaring them.
  3. A medieval land measure equal to the amount of land that could sustain one free family; usually 100 acres. Forty hides equalled a barony.
  4. (uncountable, informal, usually US) Ones own life or personal safety, especially when in peril.
    • 1957, Ayn Rand, Francisco dAnconias speech in Atlas Shrugged:
      The rotter who simpers that he sees no difference between the power of money and the power of the whip, ought to learn the difference on his own hide—as I think he will.

Definizione dizionario hide

  To put something in a place where it will be harder to discover or out of sight.
  To temporarily remove the onscreen display of an application's active window while leaving the application running. Windows that have been hidden are returned to active display by issuing the appropriate command to the operating system.

Altri significati:
  (to) hide (things) (don’t let anyone see it)
  (intransitive) To put oneself in a place where one will be harder to find or out of sight.
  covered structure for observing animals
  lay (pipes)
  skin of an animal
  Prevent from being seen or discovered.
  (countable) (mainly British) A covered structure from which hunters, birdwatchers, etc can observe animals without scaring them.
  hide (things) (don’t let anyone see it)
  A medieval land measure equal to the amount of land that could sustain one free family; usually 100 acres. Forty hides equalled a barony.
  (countable) The skin of an animal.
  (to) hide
  (transitive) To put (something) in a place where it will be harder to discover or out of sight.

Traduzione hide

nascondere ,nascondersi ,pelle ,occultare ,annidarsi

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