Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di highlight . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
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Definizione monolingua



highlight (third-person singular simple present highlights, present participle highlighting, simple past and past participle highlighted)

  1. (transitive) To make prominent; emphasize.
    • 2011 December 21, Helen Pidd, “Europeans migrate south as continent drifts deeper into crisis”, the Guardian:
      The Guardian has spoken to dozens of Europeans who have left, or are planning to leave. Their stories highlight surprising new migration routes – from Lisbon to Luanda, Dublin to Perth, Barcelona to Buenos Aires – as well as more traditional migration patterns.
  2. (transitive) To be a highlight of.
  3. (transitive) To mark (important passages of text) with a usually fluorescent marker as a means of memory retention or for later reference.

highlight (plural highlights)

  1. An area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photograph that is strongly illuminated.
  2. An especially significant or interesting detail or event.

Definizione dizionario highlight

  to mark with a fluorescent marker
  Far rilevare qualcosa.
  Show something in a particular way.
  To emphasize displayed characters, as by displaying them in reverse video (light on dark rather than dark on light, and vice versa) or against a colored background.
  to make prominent
mettere in evidenza
  to make prominent
dare rilievo a
mettere in luce
momento culminante
piatto forte
zona di massima luce

Altri significati:
  (transitive): To mark (important passages of text) with a usually fluorescent marker as a means of memory retention or for later reference.
  An area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photograph that is strongly illuminated.
  An especially significant or interesting detail or event.
  (transitive): To make prominent; emphasize.
  (transitive): To be a highlight of.
  especially significant or interesting detail or event
  strongly illuminated area in a drawing, painting, or photograph

Traduzione highlight

evidenziare ,enfatizzare ,mettere in evidenza ,accentare ,clou

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