how definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di how . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



how (plural hows)

  1. The means by which something is accomplished.
    I am not interested in the why, but in the how.
    • 1924, Joseph Rickaby, Studies on God and His Creatures?, p. 102:
      It is an a posteriori argument, evincing the fact, but not the how.

how (not comparable)

  1. In what state.
    How are you?
    How was your vacation?

how (not comparable)

  1. To what degree.
    How often do you practice?
  2. In what manner.
    How do you solve this puzzle?
    How else can we get this finished?
  3. Used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings.
    How very interesting!
    How wonderful it was to receive your invitation.


  1. In which way; in such way.
    I remember how to solve this puzzle.
  2. That, the fact that, the way that.
    • 2010 April 24, Jesse McKinley, “Don’t Call It ‘Pot’ in This Circle; It’s a Profession”, in The New York Times, page A1:
      “There’s this real Al Capone fear that they’re going to get our guys, not on marijuana, but on something else,” Mr. Edson said, referring to how Capone was eventually charged with tax evasion rather than criminal activity.

Definizione dizionario how

  in which way
  in what manner
  In che modo.
  In what way.
  to what degree
come stai
in che modo

Altri significati:
  in what state
  Used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings.
  (dialectal) An artificial barrow or tumulus.
  used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings
  To what degree.
  That, the fact that, the way that.
  (dialectal) A small hill in northern England. (Usage preserved mainly in place names.)
  In what state.
  In which way; in such way.
  In what manner.
  The means by which something is accomplished.

Traduzione how

come ,quanto ,come stai ,comme ,in che modo

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