hypertext definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



hypertext (countable and uncountable; plural hypertexts)

  1. (uncountable) Digital text in which the reader may navigate related information through embedded hyperlinks.
    • 2009, Christian Vandendorpe, Phyllis Aronoff, and Howard Scott (Phyllis Aronoff, Howard Scott, transl.), From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library, University of Illinois Press, ISBN 0252076257, p 1:
      We do not read hypertext the same way we read a novel, and browsing the Web is a different experience from reading a book or newspaper.
    • 1999, Ray McAleese, Hypertext: Theory into Practice, Intellect Books, ISBN 9781871516289, p 2:
      Further, hypertext systems, because of their ease of construction, are very rich in text, graphics and visual illustrations.
    • 1995, Gary Wolf, ""The Curse of Xanadu"", WIRED
      Did Nelson realize at the time that he had met Xanadus second parent? Probably not. The inventor scattered his ideas as widely as possible, with little care about where they landed. But as the decades passed, it would be Gregory who oversaw the attempt to transform Xanadu into a real product. He never received much public notice, but through all the projects painful deaths and rebirths, Gregorys commitment to Nelsons dream of a universal hypertext library never waned. If Ted Nelson is Xanadus profligate father, Roger Gregory is Xanadus devoted mother, and in retrospect, his role appears to have been intertwined with a terrible element of sacrifice.
  2. (countable) A hypertext document.
    • 1969, S. Carmody, W. Gross, T. Nelson, D. Rice, and A. van Dam, “A Hypertext Editing System for the /360”, in Michael Faiman and Jurg Nievergelt, Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics: Proceedings, University of Illinois Press, p 296:
      A hypertext system, then, is a memex-like device for creating and manipulating hypertexts, both for on-line browsing, and for reducing selected portions of such texts to . .

Definizione dizionario hypertext

  uncountable: text for the Web
  The organization of information units typically containing visible links that users can select or click with a mouse pointer or some other computer device to automatically retrieve or display other documents. (Source: WIC / TWI)
  Text linked together in a complex, nonsequential web of associations in which the user can browse through related topics.

Altri significati:
  (uncountable) Digital text in which the reader may navigate related information through embedded hyperlinks.
  countable: hypertext document
  (countable) A hypertext document.

Traduzione hypertext

ipertesto ,ipertestuale

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