Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di inundation . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



inundation (countable and uncountable; plural inundations)

  1. The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds.
  2. (metaphorical) An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx; as, an inundation of tourists.
    • 1749, John Cleland, Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Part 4
      But he did not long abuse my patience, for the objects before him had now put him by all his, and, coming out with that formidable machine of his, he lets the fury loose, and pointing it directly to the pouting-lipt mouth, that bid him sweet defiance in dumb-shew, squeezes in the head, and, driving with refreshed rage, breaks in, and plugs up the whole passage of that soft pleasure-conduit, where he makes all shake again, and put, once more, all within me into such an uproar, as nothing could still but a fresh inundation from the very engine of those flames, as well as from all the springs with which nature floats that reservoir of joy, when risen to its flood-mark.

Definizione dizionario inundation

  act of inundating
  Straripamento; una inondazione o allagamento, usato particolarmente quando l'acqua è piena di detriti.
  An overflowing; an inundation or flood, especially when the water is charged with much suspended material. (Source: BJGEO)
  act of inundating
  act of inundating

Altri significati:
  (metaphorical) An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx; as, an inundation of tourists.
  The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds.

Traduzione inundation

alluvione ,allagamento ,inondazione ,diluvio ,inondamento

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