italic definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di italic . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



italic (plural italics)

  1. (typography) A typeface in which the letters slant to the right.
    • 1902, Theodore Low DeVinne, The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition[1], page 104:
      Names of vessels, as the Kearsarge or the Alabama, are frequently put in italic.
    • 1983, Ida M. Kimber, The Art of Lettering[2], translation of original by Albert Kapr, page 329:
      […] ROBERT GRANJON, possibly in collaboration with CLAUDE GARAMOND, had created an italic which matched Garamond Roman.
  2. An oblique handwriting style, such as used by Italian calligraphers of the Renaissance.
    • 1990, Albert Charles Hamilton, The Spenser Encyclopedia[3], ISBN 0802079237, page 345:
      Spenser uses two different scripts: an Elizabethan secretary hand for English texts, and an italic mixed with secretary graphs for Latin texts […]

italic (not comparable)

  1. (typography, of a typeface or font) Designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
  2. (typography, of a typeface or font) Having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.
    The text was impossible to read: every other word was underlined or in a bold or italic font.

Definizione dizionario italic

  having a slant to the right
  Pertaining to characters that are evenly slanted to the right or in the direction of text flow.
  having a slant to the right

Altri significati:
  (typography, of a typeface or font) Having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.
  (typography) A typeface in which the letters slant to the right.
  (typography, of a typeface or font) Designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
  typeface whose letters slant to the right
  An oblique handwriting style, such as used by Italian calligraphers of the Renaissance.

Traduzione italic

corsivo ,corsiva

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