let definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



let (third-person singular simple present lets, present participle letting, simple past let or obsolete leet, past participle let or rarely letten)

  1. (transitive) To allow, not to prevent (+ infinitive, usually without to).
    After he knocked for hours, I decided to let him come in.
  2. (transitive) To allow the release of (a fluid).
    The physicians let about a pint of his blood, but to no avail.
  3. (transitive) To allow possession of (a property etc.) in exchange for rent.
    I decided to let the farmhouse to a couple while I was working abroad.
  4. (transitive) Used to make a proposal, request or assumption.
    Lets put on a show!
    Let us have a moment of silence.
    Let P be the point where AB and OX intersect.
  5. (obsolete except with know) To cause (+ bare infinitive).
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book IV:
      Thenne the kyng lete serche how moche people of his party ther was slayne.
    • 1818, John Keats, ""To—"":
      Times sea hath been five years at its slow ebb, / Long hours have to and fro let creep the sand [...].
    Can you let me know what time youll be arriving?

let (plural lets)

  1. A hindrance.
    ...without let or hindrance (on all commonwealth passports)
  2. (tennis) The hindrance caused by the net during serve, only if the ball falls legally.

let (neuter let, definite and plural lette, comparative lettere, superlative lettest)

  1. light
  2. easy
  3. slight
  4. mild


  1. lightly
  2. easily
  3. slightly
  4. mildly

Definizione dizionario let

  to allow
  to allow
  to put up for rent
colpo nullo
durata dell’affitto
far entrare

Altri significati:
  (transitive) To allow, not to prevent (+ infinitive, usually without to).
  (obsolete except with know) To cause (+ bare infinitive).
  (tennis) The hindrance caused by the net during serve, only if the ball falls legally.
  A hindrance.
  To approve a specific action.
  (archaic) To hinder, prevent.
  (transitive) To allow the release of (a fluid).
  (transitive) To allow possession of (a property etc.) in exchange for rent.

Traduzione let

lasciare ,permettere ,affittare ,abbandonare ,affitto

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