Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di load . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



load (third-person singular simple present loads, present participle loading, simple past loaded, past participle loaded or archaic loaden)

  1. (usually transitive, occasionally intransitive) To put a load on (something).
    The dock workers refused to load the cargo onto the ship.
    The truck was supposed to leave at dawn, but in fact we spent all morning loading.
  2. (transitive) To fill (a firearm or artillery) with munition.
    I pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. I had forgotten to load the gun.
  3. (transitive) To insert (an item or items) into an apparatus so as to ready it for operation, such as a reel of film into a camera, sheets of paper into a printer etc.
    Now that youve loaded the film youre ready to start shooting.
  4. (transitive) To fill (a reactor or similar) with raw material.
    Layers of iron ore and coke are loaded into the blast furnace.
  5. (transitive) (computing) To read (data or a program) from a storage medium into computer memory.
    Click OK to load the selected data.
  6. (intransitive) (computing) To transfer from a storage medium into computer memory.
    This program takes an age to load.
  7. (transitive) (baseball) To put runners on first, second and third bases
    He walks to load the bases.
  8. (transitive) (especially of dice) To tamper with so as to produce a biased outcome. Often used figuratively, to indicate the gaining of an advantage.
    You can load the dice in your favour by researching the company before your interview.
    The wording of the ballot paper loaded the vote in favour of the Conservative candidate.
  9. (transitive) To ask or adapt a question so that it will be more likely to be answered in a certain way.

load (plural loads)

  1. A burden; a weight to be carried.
    I struggled up the hill with the heavy load in my rucksack.
  2. (figuratively) A worry or concern to be endured, especially in the phrase a load off ones mind.
    • 2005, Coldplay, Green Eyes
      I came here with a load and it feels so much lighter, now I’ve met you
  3. A certain number of articles or quantity of material that can be transported or processed at one time.
    The truck overturned while carrying a full load of oil.
    She put another load of clothes in the washing machine.
  4. (in combination) Used to form nouns that indicate a large quantity, often corresponding to the capacity of a vehicle
  5. (often in the plural, colloquial) A large number or amount.
    I got loads of presents for my birthday!
    I got a load of emails about that.
  6. The volume of work required to be performed.
    Will our web servers be able to cope with that load?
  7. (engineering) The force exerted on a structural component such as a beam, girder, cable etc.
    Each of the cross-members must withstand a tensile load of 1,000 newtons.
  8. (electrical engineering) The electrical current or power delivered by a device.
    Im worried that the load on that transformer will be too high.
  9. (electrical engineering) Any component that draws current or power from an electrical circuit.
    Connect a second 24 ohm load across the power supplys output terminals.
  10. (obsolete) A unit of measure, often equivalent to the capacity of a waggon, but later becoming more specific measures of weight.
    • 1866, James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Volume 1, p. 172:
      If this load equals its modern representative, it contains 18 cwt. of dry, 19 of new hay.
  11. A very small explosive inserted as a gag into a cigarette or cigar.
  12. (slang, sometimes extremely vulgar) A slang term for semen.
    Yeah, she was suckin on me and I blew my load right in her face.
    • 2006, John Patrick, Barely Legal, page 102
      Already, Robbie had dumped a load into his dad, and now, before my very eyes, was Alans own cock lube seeping out
    • 2009, John Butler Wanderlust, page 35
      It felt so good, I wanted to just keep going until I blew a load down his throat, but I hadnt even seen his ass yet, and I sure didnt want to come yet.

Definizione dizionario load

  Riempiere o rendere (eccessivamente)carico di significato.
  The maximum amount of activity that can be performed by a resource in a time period.
  Ciò che si carica (materiali, merci e sim.) su un mezzo di trasporto.
  The maximum amount of activity that can be performed by a resource in a time period.
  In plural: colloquial: a large number or amount

Altri significati:
  (intransitive) (computing) To transfer from a storage medium into computer memory.
  (electrical engineering) Any component that draws current or power from an electrical circuit.
  (usually transitive, occasionally intransitive) To put a load on (something).
  (figuratively) A worry or concern to be endured, especially in the phrase '''a load off one's mind''' .
  (electrical engineering) The electrical current or power delivered by a device.
  computing: read data or a program into memory
  load (car, ship, etc.)
  (often in the plural, colloquial) A large number or amount.
  (slang, sometimes extremely vulgar) A slang term for semen.
  load (with goods, cargo)
  (engineering) The force exerted on a structural component such as a beam, girder, cable etc.
  The electrical current or power delivered by a device
  The volume of work required to be performed.
  Number of articles that can be transported or processed at one time
  load (e.g cpu time, electricity, etc.)
  (transitive) (computing) To read (data or a program) from a storage medium into computer memory.
  (to) fill up
  (obsolete) A unit of measure, often equivalent to the capacity of a waggon, but later becoming more specific measures of weight.
  (transitive) (especially of dice) To tamper with so as to produce a biased outcome. Often used figuratively, to indicate the gaining of an advantage.
  (transitive) (baseball) To fill the bases with runners
  A very small explosive inserted as a gag into a cigarette or cigar.
  (transitive) To ask or adapt a question so that it will be more likely to be answered in a certain way.
  The volume of work required to be performed
  (in combination) Used to form nouns that indicate a large quantity, often corresponding to the capacity of a vehicle
  A burden; a weight to be carried.
  fill a firearm or artillery
  load (luggage)
  weight (of a load)
  (transitive) To insert (an item or items) into an apparatus so as to ready it for operation, such as a reel of film into a camera, sheets of paper into a printer etc.
  put a load on
  A certain number of articles or quantity of material that can be transported or processed at one time.
  (transitive) To fill (a firearm or artillery) with munition.

Traduzione load

caricare ,carico ,sacco ,accollare ,carica

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