median definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



median (infinitive mediar)

  1. Second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative form of mediar.
  2. Third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes?) present indicative form of mediar.

median (plural medians)

  1. (anatomy, now rare) A central vein or nerve, especially the median vein or median nerve running through the forearm and arm. [from 15th c.]
    • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, II.3:
      Why is not our jugular or throat-veine as much at our command as the mediane [transl. mediane]?
    • 1621, Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, II.5.2:
      The Greeks prescribe the median or middle vein to be opened, and so much blood to be taken away as the patient may well spare, and the cut that is made must be wide enough.
  2. (statistics) The quantity or value at the midpoint of a set of values, such that the variable is equally likely to fall above or below it; the middle value of a discrete series arranged in magnitude (or the mean of the middle two terms when there is an even number of terms). [from 19th c.]
  3. (US) The median strip; the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic. [from 20th c.]

median (not comparable)

  1. Situated in the middle; central, intermediate. [from 16th c.]
  2. (anatomy, botany) In the middle of an organ, structure etc.; towards the median plane of an organ or limb. [from 16th c.]
  3. (statistics) Having the median as its value. [from 19th c.]

Definizione dizionario median

  In mathematics, a number dividing the higher half of a from the lower half.
  statistics: measure of central tendency
isola stradale
  Zona, generalmente rialzata e ricoperta da piante o fiori, di una strada che può obbliga il traffico in una direzione o dividere i sensi di marcia.
  A barrier on roads and highways between the opposing flows of traffic, usually covered with vegetation.

Altri significati:
  Situated in the middle; central, intermediate. [from 16th c.]
  (highway) median
  (anatomy, now rare) A central vein or nerve, especially the median vein or median nerve running through the forearm and arm. [from 15th c.]
  having the median as its value
  (anatomy, botany) In the middle of an organ, structure etc.; towards the median plane of an organ or limb. [from 16th c.]
  (statistics) The quantity or value at the midpoint of a set of values, such that the variable is equally likely to fall above or below it; the middle value of a discrete series arranged in magnitude (or the mean of the middle two terms when there is an even number of terms). [from 19th c.]
  (statistics) Having the median as its value. [from 19th c.]
  (US) The median strip; the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic. [from 20th c.]
  The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two.
  the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic in the United States

Traduzione median

mediana ,mediano ,isola stradale ,intermedio ,medio

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