Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di neighbourhood . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



neighbourhood (plural neighbourhoods)

  1. Close proximity, particularly in reference to home
    He lives in my neighbourhood.
  2. and, by extension, its inhabitants
    The fire alarmed all the neighbourhood.
  3. a division of a municipality or region, formally or informally divided
  4. (archaic) The quality or condition of being a neighbour; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity.
    • 1667: John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 1, ll. 399-402
      Nor content with such / Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart / Of Solomon he led by fraud to build / His Temple right against the Temple of God.
    • 1835: Lord Lytton, Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Tribunes
      Then the prison and the palace were in awful neighbourhood.
  5. (topology) The infinitesimal open set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point; The set of all the vertices adjacent to a given vertex
  6. (obsolete) The disposition becoming a neighbour; neighbourly kindness or good will.

Definizione dizionario neighbourhood

  Close proximity, particularly in reference to home
  A surrounding or nearby region.

Altri significati:
  archaic: quality or condition of being a neighbour
  a division of a municipality or region, formally or informally divided
  (obsolete) The disposition becoming a neighbour; neighbourly kindness or good will.
  The open set containing given point.
  (topology) The infinitesimal open set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point; The set of all the vertices adjacent to a given vertex
  per ...
  and, by extension, it's inhabitants
  (archaic) The quality or condition of being a neighbour; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity.
  topology: set of all points that may be reached directly from a given point
  obsolete: neighbourly kindness or good will
  inhabitants in the close proximity

Traduzione neighbourhood

vicinato ,circondario ,distretto ,dintorni ,quartiere

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