oblate definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



oblate (plural oblates)

  1. (Roman Catholic Church) A person dedicated to a life of religion or monasticism, especially a member of an order without religious vows or a lay member of a religious community.
  2. A child given up by its parents into the keeping or dedication of a religious order or house.
    • 2007: The Venerable Bede started as an oblate at St Pauls, Jarrow, but by the time of his death in 735 was surely the most learned man in Europe. — Tom Shippey, ‘I Lerne Song’, London Review of Books 29:4, p. 19

oblate (comparative more oblate, superlative most oblate)

  1. Flattened or depressed at the poles.
    • 1922: Why should I not speak to him or to any human being who walks upright upon this oblate orange? — James Joyce, Ulysses
    • 1997: ‘ ’Tis prolate, still,’ with a long dejected Geordie O. ‘Isn’t it…?’ ‘I’m an Astronomer,– trust me, ’tis gone well to oblate.’ — Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon

Definizione dizionario oblate

oblati benedettini

Altri significati:
  Flattened or depressed at the poles.
  (Roman Catholic Church) A person dedicated to a life of religion or monasticism, especially a member of an order without religious vows or a lay member of a religious community.
  A child given up by its parents into the keeping or dedication of a religious order or house.

Traduzione oblate

oblati benedettini

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