of definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua




  1. (usually in modal perfect constructions) Common misspelling of ve.
    I would of come. — “I would have come.” or ""I wouldve come.""
    She should of said.... — “She should have said....” or ""She shouldve said....""
    • 1992, Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash, Bantam Spectra, p. 340,
      ""You couldnt of known,"" Livio says.

of (plural ofs)

  1. she (third-person feminine)


  1. too (to an excessive degree)
    Ég er of falleg.
    I am too beautiful. (referring to a woman)
    Ég er of fallegur.
    I am too beautiful. (referring to a man)


  1. Expressing direction.
    1. (now obsolete or dialectal) From (of distance, direction), ""off"". [from 9th c.]
      • 1485, Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book XIII:
        Joseph of Aramathy, that jantyll knyght the whych toke downe Oure Lorde of the Holy Crosse [...].
      • 1621, Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, II.5.3.ii:
        Against headache, vertigo, vapours which ascend forth of the stomach to molest the head, read Hercules de Saxonia and others.
    2. (obsolete except in phrases) Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.). [from 9th c.]
      • 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Mark IX:
        And he axed his father: howe longe is it agoo, sens this hath happened hym? And he sayde, of a chylde.
      • 1616, William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, IV.4:
        one that I brought vp of a puppy [...] I was sent to deliuer him, as a present to Mistris Siluia, from my Master.
      • 2010, Simon Tisdall, The Guardian, 29 Jul 2010:
        Obama has been obliged to make nice of late in hope of rescuing the moribund two-state process and preventing resumed West Bank settlement building.
    3. From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.). [from 10th c.]
      • 1932, Time, 30 Sep 1932:
        Though Washington does not officially recognize Moscow, the Hoover Administration permits a Soviet Russian Information Bureau to flourish in a modest red brick house on Massachusetts Avenue, within a mile of the White House.
      • 2010, The Guardian, 7 Nov 2010:
        There are now upwards of 1.4 million 99ers in America facing a life with no benefits and few prospects for finding a job in a market in which companies are still not hiring.
    4. (North America, Scotland, Ireland) Before (the hour); to. [from 19th c.]
      • 1940, ""Little Bull Booed"", Time, 17 Jun 1940:
        ""Fellow Democrats,"" he began, ""I left Washington at a quarter of two this morning....""


    1. (coordinating) or
    2. (subordinating) whether, if

Definizione dizionario of

  containing, comprising or made from
  introducing subject matter
  possessive genitive: belonging to

Altri significati:
  Expressing direction.
  linking class with example of class
  Expressing separation.
  Having partitive effect.
  indicative of age
  Expressing possession.
  Containing, comprising or made from.
  ( '''time''' ) before, to
  Expressing qualities or characteristics.
  Introducing subject matter.
  Expressing origin.
  Expressing a point in time.
  objective genitive: connecting noun with object
  Expressing composition, substance.
  Forming the "objective genitive".
  Expressing agency.
  connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified
  (usually in modal perfect constructions) Common misspelling of 've.

Traduzione of

di ,da ,a ,dalla ,degli

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