Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di primer . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. to dominate, to be dominant over
  2. to win (a prize)
  3. to prevail, take precedent

primer (plural primers)

  1. An elementary textbook introducing a topic, or teaching basic concepts.
  2. An elementary book for teaching children to learn the alphabet and to read, write and spell.
    Kennedys New Latin Primer (an introductory grammar, published 2008)
  3. (biology) A single-stranded nucleic acid molecule required for the initiation of replication of a DNA molecule.
  4. Any substance used to start a fire.
  5. A small charge that burns furiously when given sufficient electrical current (Explosive primer) or when struck with force (percussion caps) that ignites the main combustable substances in explosives or ammunition.
  6. A layer of paint designed to underlay a topcoat, used to enhance the adhesion and durability of the topcoat and help in protection of the surface.
  7. A device used to circulate gasoline into the ignition chamber of an engine.

primer m. (feminine primera, masculine plural primers, feminine plural primeres)

  1. (mathematics) prime (having no divisor except itself and 1):


  1. first; before anything else

Definizione dizionario primer

  elementary textbook
  device used to circulate gasoline
  small charge used to ignite gunpowder
  layer of paint
  elementary textbook
testo elementare
  elementary textbook
vernice di fondo
  layer of paint

Altri significati:
  substance used to start a fire
  Any substance used to start a fire.
  (biology) A single-stranded nucleic acid molecule required for the initiation of replication of a DNA molecule.
  An elementary textbook introducing a topic, or teaching basic concepts.
  Book used to teach the alphabet.
  A device used to circulate gasoline into the ignition chamber of an engine.
  A small charge that burns furiously when given sufficient electrical current (Explosive primer) or when struck with force (percussion caps) that ignites the main combustable substances in explosives or ammunition.
  A layer of paint designed to underlay a topcoat, used to enhance the adhesion and durability of the topcoat and help in protection of the surface.
  children's reading and spelling primer, used to teach the alphabet
  An elementary book for teaching children to learn the alphabet and to read, write and spell.

Traduzione primer

abbecedario ,iniettore ,innesco ,mestica ,sillabario

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