prince definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



prince (plural princes)

  1. (now archaic or historical) A (male) ruler, a sovereign; a king, monarch. [from 13th c.]
    • 1603, John Florio, trans. Michel de Montaigne, Essays, I.42:
      Truely, to see our Princes all alone, sitting at their meat, beleagred round with so many talkers, whisperers, and gazing beholders, unknowne what they are or whence they come, I have often rather pittied than envied them.
    • 2009, Diarmaid MacCulloch, A History of Christianity, Penguin 2010, p. 600:
      By his last years Erasmus realized that princes like Henry VIII and François I had deceived him in their elaborate negotiations for universal peace, but his belief in the potential of princely power for good remained undimmed.
    • 2009, Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall, Fourth Estate 2010, p. 411:
      If Henry does not fully trust him, is it surprising? A prince is alone: in his council chamber, in his bedchamber, and finally in Hells antechamber, stripped – as Harry Percy said – for Judgment.
  2. Someone who is preeminent in their field; a great person. [from 13th c.]
    He is a prince among men.
  3. The (male) ruler or head of a principality. [from 14th c.]
    • 2011, Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian, 26 Jun 2011:
      He is the prince who never grew up – a one-time playboy and son of the Hollywood star Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco.
  4. A male member of a royal family other than the ruler; especially (in the United Kingdom) the son or grandson of the monarch. [from 14th c.]
    • 2011, Katharine Whitehorn, The Guardian, 16 Oct 2011:
      Conspiracy theories are always enticing: one I was involved with in the 50s was about Mayerling, the 19th-century Austrian scandal involving a prince’s lover who died in dodgy circumstances in a hunting lodge.
  5. A common name of the mushroom Agaricus augustus.
  6. A type of court card used in Tarot cards, the equivalent to the Jack.

Definizione dizionario prince

  male ruler or head of a principality

Altri significati:
  (now archaic) A (male) ruler, a sovereign; a king, monarch. [from 13th c.]
  A male member of a royal family other than the ruler; especially (in the United Kingdom) the son or grandson of the monarch. [from 14th c.]
  A common name of the mushroom Agaricus augustus.
  '''(metaphorical)''' great person
  Someone who is preeminent in their field; a great person. [from 13th c.]
  The male ruler or head of a principality.
  Son of a prince, king, queen, emperor or empress, or other high-ranking person (such as a grand duke).
  The (male) ruler or head of a principality. [from 14th c.]
  A type of court card used in Tarot cards, the equivalent to the Jack.
  son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch

Traduzione prince

principe ,autorità ,capo

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