Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di product . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



product (countable and uncountable; plural products)

  1. (countable, uncountable) A commodity offered for sale.
    That store offers a variety of products.
    Weve got to sell a lot of product by the end of the month.
  2. The amount of an artifact that has been created by someone or some process.
    They improve their product every year; they export most of their agricultural production.
  3. A consequence of someones efforts or of a particular set of circumstances.
    Skill is the product of hours of practice; His reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue.
  4. (chemistry) A chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction.
    This is a product of lime and nitric acid.
  5. (mathematics) A quantity obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers.
    The product of 2 and 3 is 6.
    The product of 2, 3, and 4 is 12.
  6. Any tangible or intangible good or service that is a result of a process and that is intended for delivery to a customer or end user.
    • 2002, Oonagh McDonald; Kevin Keasey, The future of retail banking in Europe, page 146:
      Product innovation is needed to meet changes in society and its requirements for particular types of banking product.
    • 2002, Veljko Milutinovi?; Frédéric Patricelli, E-business and e-challenges, page 133:
      This sort of relationship can improve quality of transportation and can help in negotiations between transportation providers and transportation product users.
    • 2006, Teresa Luckey; Joseph Phillips, Software project management for dummies, page 55:
      You cant create a stellar software product unless you know what it is supposed to do. You must work with the stakeholders to create the product scope.
  7. The outcome or thingness of an activity, especially in contrast to a process by which it was created or altered.
    This product of last months quality standards committee is quite good, even though the process was flawed.
  8. (Can we verify(+) this sense?) (uncountable) A hair product, a hair care product – a preparation used to style hair and offered for sale.
    Dude, you use more product on your hair than any other guy I know!
  9. (US, slang) Illegal drugs, especially cocaine, when viewed as a commodity.
    I got some product here – you buying?

Definizione dizionario product

  amount created by a process
  result of chemical reaction
  multiplication result
  any tangible output
  commodity for sale
  A commodity offered for sale.
  A chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction.
  A quantity obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers.
  consequence of efforts
  any tangible output
  Something produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process.

Altri significati:
  (US, slang) Illegal drugs, especially cocaine, when viewed as a commodity.
  A hair product, a hair care product – a preparation used to style hair and offered for sale.
  (chemistry) A chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction.
  A consequence of someone's efforts or of a particular set of circumstances.
  (mathematics) A quantity obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers.
  The outcome or 'thingness' of an activity, especially in contrast to a process by which it was created or altered.
  Any tangible output or service that is a result of a process and that is intended for delivery to a customer or end user.
  The amount of an artifact that has been created by someone or some process.
  fruit (of)

Traduzione product

prodotto ,frutto ,prodotti ,arnese ,bene

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