Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di push . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua



push (third-person singular simple present pushes, present participle pushing, simple past and past participle pushed)

  1. (transitive) To apply a force to (an object) such that it moves away from the person or thing applying the force.
    In his anger he pushed me against the wall and threatened me.
  2. (transitive) To continually attempt to persuade (a person) into a particular course of action.
  3. (transitive) To continually attempt to promote (a point of view).
    Stop pushing the issue — Im not interested.
  4. (transitive) To promote a product with the intention of selling it.
    Theyre pushing that perfume again.
    There were two men hanging around the school gates today, pushing drugs.
  5. (informal, transitive) To approach; to come close to.
    My old car is pushing 250,000 miles.
    Hes pushing sixty. (= hes nearly sixty years old)
  6. (intransitive) To apply a force to an object such that it moves away from the person applying the force.
    You need to push quite hard to get this door open.
  7. (intransitive) To tense the muscles in the abdomen in order to expel its contents.
    During childbirth, there are times when the obstetrician advises the woman not to push.
  8. (intransitive) To continue to attempt to persuade a person into a particular course of action.
  9. To make a higher bid at an auction.
  10. (poker) To make an all-in bet.
  11. (chess, transitive) To move (a pawn) directly forward.

push (plural pushes)

  1. A short, directed application of force; an act of pushing.
    Give the door a hard push if it sticks.
  2. An act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents.
    One more push and the baby will be out.
  3. A great effort (to do something).
    Some details got lost in the push to get the project done.
    Lets give one last push on our advertising campaign.
  4. (military) A marching or drill maneuver/manoeuvre performed by moving a formation (especially a company front) forward or toward the audience, usually to accompany a dramatic climax or crescendo in the music.
  5. A wager that results in no loss or gain for the bettor as a result of a tie or even score
  6. (computing) The addition of a data item to the top of a stack.
  7. (Internet, uncountable) The situation where a server sends data to a client without waiting for a request, as in server push, push technology.
  8. (dated) A crowd or throng or people

Definizione dizionario push

  transitive: apply a force to (an object) so that it moves away
  intransitive: apply force to an object so that it moves away
  Applicare una forza a (un oggetto), in modo che si sposti lontano dall'origine della forza che è stata applicata.
  To apply a force to (an object), in order that it moves away from the origin of the force that was applied.
  Sollecitare o indurre qualcuno a compiere determinate azioni o ad assumere determinati comportamenti.
  To press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action.
  Grande forza, applicata in modo che un oggetto si sposti lontano dall'origine della forza che vi è stato applicata.
  A great force, applied in order that an object will move away from the origin of the force that was applied to it.
  La forza usata nello spingere.
  The force used in pushing.
effettuare il push
  To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data.
  To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data.
spinta propulsiva
  La forza usata nello spingere.
  The force used in pushing.

Altri significati:
  short, directed application of force; act of pushing
  continually attempt to promote (a point of view)
  (transitive) To continually attempt to persuade (a person) into a particular course of action.
  (computing) The addition of a data item to the top of a stack.
  An act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents.
  (intransitive) To tense the muscles in the abdomen in order to expel its contents.
  (to) push
  (transitive) To continually attempt to promote (a point of view).
  intransitive: tense the muscles of the abdomen
  (Internet, uncountable) The situation where a server sends data to a client without waiting for a request, as in '''server push''' , '''push technology''' .
  A short, directed application of force; an act of pushing.
  (transitive) To promote a product with the intention of selling it.
  To make a higher bid at an auction.
  (intransitive) To continue to attempt to persuade a person into a particular course of action.
  A wager that results in no loss or gain for the bettor as a result of a tie or even score
  (poker) To make an all-in bet.
  (informal, transitive) To approach; to come close to.
  (chess, transitive) To move (a pawn) directly forward.
  (transitive) To apply a force to (an object) such that it moves away from the person or thing applying the force.
  promote (a product)
  (intransitive) To apply a force to an object such that it moves away from the person applying the force.
  (military) A marching or drill maneuver/manoeuvre performed by moving a formation (especially a company front) forward or toward the audience, usually to accompany a dramatic climax or crescendo in the music.
  continually attempt to persuade (a person)
  A great effort (to do something).

Traduzione push

spingere ,spinta ,premere ,urto ,effettuare il push

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