Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di quite . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua




  1. first-person singular present subjunctive of quitar
  2. third-person singular present subjunctive of quitar

quite (plural quites)

  1. (bullfighting) A series of passes made with the cape to distract the bull.

quite (comparative more quite, superlative most quite)

  1. To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.
    1. With verbs, especially past participles. [from 14th c.]
      • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Book I:
        Thus when they had the witch disrobed quight, / And all her filthy feature open showne, / They let her goe at will, and wander wayes vnknowne.
      • 2005, Adrian Searle, The Guardian, 4 Oct 2005:
        Nobuyoshi Araki has been called a monster, a pornographer and a genius - and the photographer quite agrees.
    2. With prepositional phrases and spatial adverbs. [from 15th c.]
      • 1891, Thomas Nelson Page, On Newfound River:
        Margaret passed quite through the pines, and reached the opening beyond which was what was once the yard, but was now, except for a strip of flower-border and turf which showed care, simply a tangle of bushes and briars.
      • 2010, Joanna Briscoe, The Guardian, 30 Oct 2010:
        Religion and parochial etiquette are probed to reveal unhealthy, and sometimes shockingly violent, internal desires quite at odds with the surface life of a town in which tolerance is preached.
    3. With predicative adjectives. [from 15th c.]
      • 1914, Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Son of Tarzan:
        El Adrea was quite dead. No more will he slink silently upon his unsuspecting prey.
      • 1992, Rudolf M. Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, page 5
        In Lejeuneaceae vegetative branches normally originate from the basiscopic basal portion of a lateral segment half, as in the Radulaceae, and the associated leaves, therefore, are quite unmodified.
    4. With attributive adjectives, following an (especially indefinite) article; chiefly as expressing contrast, difference etc. [from 16th c.]
      • 2003, Richard Dawkins, A Devils Chaplain:
        When I warned him that his words might be offensive to identical twins, he said that identical twins were a quite different case.
      • 2011, Peter Preston, The Observer, 18 Sep 2011:
        Create a new, quite separate, private company – say Murdoch Newspaper Holdings – and give it all, or most of, the papers that News Corp owns.
    5. Preceding nouns introduced by the indefinite article. Chiefly in negative constructions. [from 16th c.]
      • 1791, James Boswell, Life of Johnson:
        I ventured to hint that he was not quite a fair judge, as Churchill had attacked him violently.
      • 1920, John Galsworthy, In Chancery:
        And with a prolonged sound, not quite a sniff and not quite a snort, he trod on Euphemias toe, and went out, leaving a sensation and a faint scent of barley?sugar behind him.
    6. With adverbs of manner. [from 17th c.]
      • 2009, John F. Schmutz, The Battle of the Crater: A complete history:
        However, the proceedings were quite carefully orchestrated to produce what seemed to be a predetermined outcome.
      • 2011, Bob Burgess, The Guardian, 18 Oct 2011:
        Higher education institutions in the UK are, quite rightly, largely autonomous.

Definizione dizionario quite


Altri significati:
  Indicates the speaker has had enough of the second person's talk, or the language or tone used, etc.
  to a moderate extent
  (manner) Completely; wholly; entirely; perfectly.
  Common misspelling of quiet.
  (degree) To a lesser extent or degree.
  (degree) To a moderate extent or degree '''(tone of speech will often indicate this almost conflicting usage)'''
  (degree) To a great extent or degree; very; very much; considerably.
  nothing (with neg. verb)
  to a great extent
  (not) at all
  To a moderate extent or degree.
  To a great extent or degree.
  Indicates agreement.
  Expresses emphatic agreement with another person's (often grim) analysis of a situation.

Traduzione quite

abbastanza ,affatto ,assai ,completamente ,interamente

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