Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di quivering . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione monolingua




  1. Present participle of quiver.

quivering (plural quiverings)

  1. A motion by which something quivers or trembles.
    quiverings of the eyelid
    • 1837, Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Gentle Boy in Twice-Told Tales,
      The quiverings of incipient harmony were hushed, and the divine sat in speechless and almost terrified astonishment, while she undid the door, and stood up in the sacred desk from which his maledictions had just been thundered.
    • 1921, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan the Terrible,
      And now the lion lunged suddenly to earth and with a few spasmodic quiverings lay still.
    • 1954, Harriette Simpson Arnow, The Dollmaker,
      There remained only the quiverings—the windows, the steel springs of the bed, the dishes, a chair touching the wall.
      There came at last a silence so complete she could hear the ticking of the clock under the bed, and the snoring of Sophronies children behind the wall of the girls bedroom.


  1. shaking, shivering
    The quivering mass of jello rocked back and forth incessantly but remained on the plate.
    • 1853, Benjamin Robert Haydon, Tom Taylor (editor), The Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon,
      You envied me in all my great successes — Jerusalem, Lazarus, Mock Election, pupils, drawings, lectures ; and at all times tried to prove they were not successes, with a pale face and quivering lip — more pale and more quivering than usual.

Definizione dizionario quivering

  Vibrating slightly and irregularly.

Altri significati:
  shaking, shivering
  A motion by which something quivers or trembles.
  Present participle of quiver.

Traduzione quivering

tremolante ,tremante

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