rosary definizione dal dizionario inglese italiano

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Definizione monolingua



rosary (plural rosaries)

  1. A series of Roman Catholic prayers, usually made up of five, fifteen, or twenty decades of Hail Marys, each decade beginning with Our Father and ending with a Gloria Be to the Father. Other prayers are also incorporated into the rosary.
  2. A string of beads used in counting the prayers said in a rosary
  3. A string of beads used in praying by members of some religions or denominations other than Roman Catholicism such as the Anglican Church

Definizione dizionario rosary

  Catholic prayer beads
  series of prayers
  Tradizionale devozione cattolica che unisce preghiera e meditazione. Consiste nella recitazione di sequenze di un Padre Nostro, dieci Ave Maria e un Gloria al Padre; ciascuna decina è accompagnata dalla meditazione di un diverso mistero, ovvero un evento chiave nella vita di Cristo o della Madonna.
  Traditional Catholic devotion which combines prayer and meditation. It is based on reciting sequences consisting of the Lord's Prayer followed by ten Hail Mary and one Glory Be to the Father; each sequence, called a decade, is said while meditating a different mystery of redemption.
  Oggetto usato come ausilio nella recitazione della preghiera del rosario, costituito da una corona di grani che aiutano a tenere il conto delle preghiere. Generalmente è composto da cinquanta grani in gruppi di dieci, con un grano più grosso a separare ciascuna decade, e comprende un piccolo crocifisso.
  A string of beads used for keeping count while reciting the prayers of rosary. Usually consisting of five sets of ten beads each, with a larger bead between sets, and including a small crucifix.

Altri significati:
  A string of beads used in counting the prayers said in a rosary
  A string of beads used in praying by members of some religions or denominations other than Roman Catholicism such as the Anglican Church
  A series of Roman Catholic prayers, usually made up of five, fifteen, or twenty decades of Hail Marys, each decade beginning with Our Father and ending with a Gloria Be to the Father. Other prayers are also incorporated into the rosary.
  non-Catholic prayer beads
  (Buddhist) rosary

Traduzione rosary

rosario ,collana

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