Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di shit . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.
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Definizione dizionario shit

  expression of worry, failure
  solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel
  Interjection expressing disgust, negative astonishment, possibly sudden regret, or similar, or related feelings.
  Persona fortemente detestata che agisce in maniera disgustosa, subdola od odiosa.
  A strongly disliked person who behaves disgustingly, underhandedly, or nastily, etc.
  Ciò che i corpi umani e animali rilasciano di volta in volta come mucchietto di rifiuti organici risultanti come scarto dalla digestione, dopo che sono stati raccolti nel colon.
  What human and animal bodies release from time to time as a little pile of waste remaining from digestion, after it has been collected in the colon.
  to defecate
  Espellere feci dal proprio corpo attraverso l'ano.
  To excrete feces from one's body through the anus.
  to defecate
  Espellere feci dal proprio corpo attraverso l'ano.
  To excrete feces from one's body through the anus.
  expression of worry, failure
  not anything, nothing
  of poor quality
  Di cattiva qualità.
  Of poor quality.
  nasty, despicable person
  solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel
  solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel
  Something being said without sense, utterly wrong, of no use at all.
  nonsense, bullshit
  solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel
  Ciò che i corpi umani e animali rilasciano di volta in volta come mucchietto di rifiuti organici risultanti come scarto dalla digestione, dopo che sono stati raccolti nel colon.
  What human and animal bodies release from time to time as a little pile of waste remaining from digestion, after it has been collected in the colon.
  nonsense, bullshit
  Espellere feci dal proprio corpo attraverso l'ano.
  To excrete feces from one's body through the anus.
  Something being said without sense, utterly wrong, of no use at all.
fare la merda
pezzo di merda

Altri significati:
  (countable, vulgar, colloquial) A nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men.
  (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) To excrete (something) through the anus.
  (vulgar) Expression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
  (vulgar) To show displeasure or surprise.
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Stuff, things.
  (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) To fool or try to fool someone; to be deceitful.
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.
  vulgar slang: to excrete (something) through the anus
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) ( '''in negations''' ) Anything.
  (transitive, vulgar, colloquial, Australian) To annoy.
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) cocaine
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Rubbish; worthless matter.
  vulgar slang: to be stricken with fear
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Nonsense; bullshit.
  (intransitive, vulgar, colloquial) To defecate.
(uncountable, vulgar, colloquial, definite) ( the shit ) The best of its kind.
  definite plural: diarrhea
  A product made from cannabis plants as a kind of cake, pieces of which are usually smoked so as to create a state of inebriation or euphoria in men.
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A problem or difficult situation.
  (vulgar, colloquial) Of poor quality; worthless.
  (vulgar, colloquial) Nasty; despicable.
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) marijuana
  (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A strong rebuke.
(countable, vulgar, colloquial, plural, definite) ( the shits ) diarrhea.
  (countable, vulgar) An instance of defecation.

Traduzione shit

merda ,cagare ,cacare ,cazzo ,merdoso

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